March 13, 2013

Just over 2 months

Just over two months away from heading to Florida!! Getting really excited and starting to think about packing and what I'll need and what I'll have to buy when I get down there. I think mom booked my flight this morning (eeeeeeeek!!) and I will be on the same flight as a girl I met from my town who also got the job! This will take the stress level down several notches for me - as I have to make a connecting flight in Montreal and then find my way to the Disney housing complex once I'm in Orlando. Having someone to do it with will help keep me from getting too anxious.

I got an email from Kristen (the lady who is the Canadian contact), making sure that they had the correct address on file for sending me my Disney package - which, I found out was doubly good news. First of all, because it means I'm getting mail and its getting closer, and secondly, because this means my visa went through. A couple of people got emails saying that for reasons x and y, they would be unable to come to Florida for the summer after all. (Mostly this had to do with school issues, since it is a college program and we had to verify that we were still in school. In some cases, the US immigration office told Disney they couldn't get visas. Ouch.)

The votes have been cast for our Canada t-shirts, and the winning design is this:

I'm quite happy with it. I'll put my first name on the back of the shirt along with my position "QSFB". We're still waiting to hear back from Kristen to make sure it doesn't violate any copyright issues.

It's getting so close and my excitement keeps growing and growing!!

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