May 28, 2013

Days are getting cooler and shorter.

Well, not really. The days are still 24 hours, and the weather is still hot. But I'm adjusting, and today I was home before 11pm. So, shorter and cooler!

Today I had training from 8-2:30, which made another 5:30am wake up call for me. The last three days in a row have been 5:30 and the day before that was 6:30. Too early for this night owl. Getting into the cast entrance is like trying to enter a prison! Big thick bars and needing to swipe the key card to get in.

Training was done with Franceso, a very Italian man with a smile for everyone and advice for the newbies: make connections. Get to know everyone. If you don't know them, get to. If you do, find out something new. All the connections you make can only ever be helpful. He knew all the ladies in costuming and greeted them all in their native language. He conversed in English, Italian and Spanish, whichever the other person was comfortable with. He joked and laughed and said hello to everyone walking by.

I've heard of the importance of networking before, but this was the first time I saw it in action. Part of my costume is a white baseball cap (yay!), but all the ones in the drawer were yellowed with sweat and bent from the washer. Franceso told us to stay put, and he went over and started chatting up two of the costuming cast members. Before I knew it, he was coming back with six brand new white hats; one for each of us. As he handing them to us, he looked each of us in the eye and said one word: "Networking". Having connections and being polite to people gets you things. Welcome to the team, Stephanie. Start networking asap.

I also found out that instead of just the boring red polo, I actually have four different costumes! The red shirted "Staples outfit", a blue shirt with colored shapes, a brown shirt with more of a safari striped feel, and the classic Epcot flags shirt. All with khaki or white shorts, my white sneakers, and the white hat. I'm very happy with the mix; keeps it interesting but there's nothing embarrassing to wear ;) 

After we picked up our costumes, we stuck them in our new lockers and spent several hours on the computer with e-courses. While important for us to know how to check IDs and use the registers, etc. it was very boring. I got to know my fellow ODF's - Jess, Kirstie, Deanna, Carlos and Eduardo. They were all lovely! A mix of Americans and Mexicans, we talked about our cultures and they were all very interested in Canada. The Mexican boys wanted to know if all girls up here were as polite as what they had seen so far. A girl holding a door or refusing an offered bus seat is unheard of in Mexico, apparently. The women there expect the boys to do all that. Even small differences can seem huge when you are thrust into another world entirely.

Our other coordinator, Maribi, then showed us around the park and pointed out a few of our snack kiosks! They all look wonderfully shaded and pick up a nice breeze. That and the baseball hat, and I think I'll be just fine! :)

After training, I came home and was able to facetime with Dad for a few minutes before getting ready to go to Hollywood Studios (HS) with Sam and Natalie! We grabbed the bus and were there in no time. We passed by the Beach club and I tried to get a picture of the sign from the bus, but I don't know if it turned out well ;)

This was Sam's first real trip to HS (the rush to and from Fantasmic last time doesn't really count!) and she was floored again. Everything Disney does is wonderful, so I'm not surprised! We made out way up the stores and over to the Rockin' Roller Coaster. When we lined up, the wait said 40 minutes, but it soon changed to 2 hours, so we ducked back out of line and made out way to the Tower of Terror.

For those who don't know, I've been stuck in an elevator before. And I watch a lot of action movies where the elevators actually does crash and burn. So, a ride where the elevator falls and rises and falls again does not appeal to me. I made it about halfway up the line before I had to duck out and leave. I waited for Sam and Natalie at the exit. They came out all excited and pumped full of adrenaline... but I bought a brownie cupcake while I waited for them, so I was happy :)

We sat in and watched the Voyage of the Little Mermaid, which is a show comprised of real actors, puppets, and pieces of the film. It's a 15 minute summary of the movie, and it's very well done. It has hardly changed at all in over a decade :) Sam bought her first Mickey Bar! It was a momentous occasion and called for leisurely strolling while they were munched on.

Natalie and Sam

When they were finished, we got in line for Star Tours! No one was in line and we practically walked right onto the ride! I didn't realize that Sam was a huge Star Wars fan until tonight! (Natalie too, but Sam especially!) She was in awe of everything; the ATAT that towers over you, the R2 units beside the queue. The ride itself is an adventure trying to escape from the Empire and has been redone since my last trip to Disney; I quite enjoyed it. I think it would make me very dizzy with more than one round though.

3D space glasses. Super awesome.

After Star tours and a photo-op on the pod racer, we found a little store tucked away in a corned call the Writer's Stop; a store of cooking supplies, books, and coffee. It smelled divine and was completely empty. Sam bought a Disney guide and hasn't unglued her eyes from it since we got home :) I can't wait to go back and try their carrot-cake-cookie-cream-cheese-frosting-sandwich. Yummmm.

I'd been craving movie popcorn for days and finally got some on the way to Fantasmic :) It was a little cold, but delicious! We reached the seating area, and the cast member attempted to direct us alllllll the way to the far end of the amphitheater. I asked politely if we could instead sit on the near end, since I knew we'd be rushing for the bus at the end of the show, and it seemed just as empty as the far end. He kindly explained that the view would be similar from either side. I looked at him and told him that was fine, but, sighhh, I'd just prefer to sit on this side. *Insert subtle eyelash flutter here*. Poor guy didn't stand a chance ;)

Just kidding, it probably had nothing to do with me. But, I got a "you have family waiting for you down there? Yes, I bet you do. Go right ahead!" and a smile :) Sam and Natalie both wanted to know "what did you say to him?!" Clearly I need to keep that dangerous eyelash flutter in check ;)

Fantasmic was wonderful, again! Natalie hadn't seen it in years and years and I love her reactions to all things Disney! Very awed-five-year-old type reactions. We're very similar that way, I think! We got out of the park in good time (thanks to that lovely guy who let us sit on the close end!) and made it to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling up. We got on no problem, and it was SO much nicer than having to wait two hours for enough space on a bus. From now on I think we'll do the earlier Fantasmic show of the night!!

And so, now I'm home! I have the day off tomorrow and it's supposed to pour rain, so I plan to sleep in!!!! Yay! I'll also clean my room, get some groceries, blog the few days I've missed, and perhaps go to Downtown Disney (DTD) if the sun comes out :) Goodnight all, I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for days off! Hope you get to make the most of your sleeping in. :D
