This morning Emily and I had planned to go to Epcot for opening to ride Soarin' - a great ride that routinely has a 2 hour wait throughout the day. Which meant another early morning!
We were out the door before 8, catching the bus to Epcot. We caught the cast bus from the service center to the guest entrance and speed walked to Soarin'. We grabbed fast passes for it and got in line. About 20 minutes later, we were seat-belting ourselves in and enjoying ourselves. Our fast passes weren't for another hour, so I decided to add mine to my collection instead of using it. We rode the Nemo ride and spent a few minutes in the aquarium; nice and air conditioned in there and the manta rays were being fed by divers! We were going to do Test Track, but even the single rider line was a 40 minute wait, so instead we headed home.
It was probably the fastest park trip I have ever done! But Emily had to work this afternoon and I was eager to get home for a nap and some relaxing by the pool. we were back home by 11:30am and I knew it would rain later, so I went out by the pool for some sun while it was still nice out :) I set an alarm on my iPod which was lucky, or else I would have been burnt to a crisp... because I fell asleep!
Emily left for work around 2:30, and after she left, I don't think I left my bed except for supper. My apartment was quiet, and I was (and still am) in serious need of some quality alone time. I caught up on some tv and youtube, fell asleep for a few hours, got all snuggled in and just... relaxed. I was planning on some MK tonight, but since I went yesterday, I decided that staying home would be much better for me!
And I feel so much better for it! I was able to talk to my daddy for a while, and once Emily got back from work I realized that I had laundry to do and should probably finish blogging from last night! So I've been doing laundry (lucky that my laundry building is open all night!) and I just finished watching Tangled (soooooo good!). I'm going to play some video games and fall asleep to Hunchback of Notre Dame! Goodnight all :)
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