July 21, 2013

Another day of (mostly) r&r.

Today I slept in! After yesterday's shenanigans, I needed my sleep.

I didn't get enough, apparently, because when I woke up, had lunch, blogged for yesterday and then tried to watch a movie, I fell asleep again. I drifted in and out, not really doing anything substantial. I posted pictures and got another movie going and did some general R&R.

I was woken by a very loud thunder storm that put my plans to go to the outlets with a friend from work on hold for an extra hour until the rain let up. When we finally met up and got to the outlet mall, we were informed that the stores did not close at 11pm like we thought, but at 9 instead! As it was already 8:30, we rushed trying to find what we came for.

I was unsuccessful in what I went for, but still found a good deal on a t shirt and a hat I particularly liked. My friend and I got cold drinks from Starbucks and walked slowly back to the bus stop, talking all the while. The outlets is only a 15 minute walk from my house, but a bus ride from his, so we stopped at the bus stop and he let several go by because we were in the middle of a conversation. He gave me some wise insight and told me all about his meeting this week with the vice president of Epcot. This woman is near-impossible to meet and this kid had managed a meeting in less than two months. I'm impressed. He just doesn't take no for an answer.

We parted ways and I went back home to blog and sleep, when I found that all my plans for tomorrow have been cancelled by the folks I was going with. I was royally ticked off, and so stubborn that I have decided to go anyway. Emily is still coming, so it should still be fun :) I'll post about it tomorrow!

So I spent my evening re-inventing my plan and trying to facetime my dad who is visiting his little sister in Ontario! The internet was not working way up there though, so we'll try skype tomorrow! :) Gregory and I chatted most of the evening; I miss you, kiddo!

I have an early morning tomorrow, and so I am off to bed. Night! :)

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