July 30, 2013

Goodbye, HS.

Today started early with my lat trip to Property Control! I found some good deals and left content :) I had to put some things back because I found myself picking things up that I only liked because I knew I was leaving. I'm already coming home with no money, lets just leave the unnecessary things on the shelf, shall we? :)

When I got home I got ready to go to my graduation! All of my friends are going to the one tomorrow, but I work and I wanted to get my ears!! I'm going to get them personalized at MK on Thursday :) there was good food, dance music, and characters in graduation outfits. It was HOT today. Worse than I've felt all summer. Sheesh. I didn't stay long, and instead of going right home, I got right on a bus to Hollywood Studios for my last time.

When I got there, I wandered in and out of stores until it was time for my real reason for coming... One more showing of Beauty and the Beast! I was actually disappointed with the actors who played Belle and Gaston this time around, not that they weren't excellent. Just that now I have my favourites and they weren't there :( it felt a little like a best friend sending a sibling to say goodbye. Similar and heart felt, just not the same!

After that, I checked the bus schedule for getting back home... One hour. I went to check the lines for Rockin' Roller Coaster and was shocked to see hardly a line at all! In fact, there wasn't ANYONE in the single rider line before the merge point. Sounded too good to be true! I walked to the podium only to be handed a fast pass by the family in line beside me!! Their mom didn't want to ride after all!

Not only did I get on the ride faster, but I also had the option to ask for the front seat, which of course I did! The guy in line a couple spots back was also a single rider in the fast pass lane who wanted the front, so we rode together. He recongnized my hat and asked if I was a CP and when I was going home, and we bonded over making a face for the camera. He was wonderful to meet!

When we got outside, Florida was crying to see me go... it was bright and sunny and hot, with huge rain drops falling at the same time. I shopped a little bit more, got my picture taken with the Sorcerer's Hat one last time, and got on the bus home. Goodbye, Hollywood Studios. I will be back.

Once home, I went to the front desk to borrow a vacuum cleaner. They only have one with a hose that worse for vacuum bags for packing, and it had to be back within 40 minutes. I speed packed, let me tell you. I got my big blanket and more than half of my clothes into one vacuum bag and into my suitcase, and then sucked all the air out to make room for more. I returned the vacuum on time, and came back home to pack and pack and pack some more.

I was able to talk to Mom and Dad for a bit, and when Emily go home, we tore our room apart and got all our stuff together and started putting it in suitcases. I'm feeling pretty okay with the way things are looking, but it might be a tight fit!

We're headed off to bed late and I have a full day of work in the am. My last day!! How crazy is that?!

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