I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, but it was a crazy day full of tears (of joy) and running around.
I was blessed to not be in the early Traditions class... They had to catch the bus at 6:45 at Chatham, our bus stop. Instead, I got to eat breakfast and be at the stop at 12:45! Sam and I had the same class time, so we got ready and made out way to the bus. The bus took us to the back stage of the Magic Kingdom... Sam has never been to Disney before and was in awe when the castle came into view.
We unloaded at Disney University (which is beautiful - murals on every wall with Walt's sketches and bios of different animators... Incredible) and we were sorted into classes. We went though the boring stuff first... code of ethics and work place hazards and that sort of thing that they legally have to teach us. Audria and Brian (our leaders) were wonderful though, and soon we moved into more exciting topics. We played a 'name as many animated Disney characters as you can' game, and my table won! I was naming off characters faster than Sam could write them down ;) I definitely wasn't raised as a Disney kid or anything ;)
Then we learned the four keys to the kingdom: safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency. And while one is not more important than the others, they are in that order for a reason.
Then Brian says, "This classroom is really stuffy. There must be a better classroom to teach in. Is room 207 free?" And Audria tells him that there's a meeting going on in 207! "Well," he says, "The best classroom would be the Magic Kingdom! How about we go there?!"
It. Was. Incredible! We took the cast shuttle from Disney University to the cast entrance of the Magic Kingdom!! We weren't allowed to take any pictures, which makes sense... It kind of ruins the magic to see Belle in a t-shirt and texting ;) we don't want those pictures showing up on the internet! We did see Ariel though, and even though she didn't have her dress, she still had her hair and she still waved from the catwalk above us :)
We emerged from the tunnel system right onto Main Street, each wearing one of those nifty tour-headsets. Audria walked us up Main Street towards the castle and I think Sam almost peed herself with excitement. As a group, we talked about examples we could see of the four keys in action: safety for both guests and cast, courtesy to everyone, no break in character or the disruption of the show, and efficient practices in place.
We exited MK stage through another door to the tunnels and returned to DU, all a little more excited. We spent another half hour in the class before we were surprised by the boss himself: Mickey Mouse! He brought the box of name tags with him and I almost started to cry right then and there.
Mickey left and we finished our class. The last video was words of wisdom from Walt, and it was beautiful. I don't think there was a dry eye or an uninspired heart in the whole place. We picked up our name tags and left to catch the bus home.
On the way out I stumbled upon a Beauty and the
Beast wall. A whole hallway dedicated to my princess and my prince and my
movie. That almost started the tears again. I can't wait to go back and more
get pictures!!
Upon arrival back at home, I immediately face-timed my family... And burst into tears. Dad wouldn't stop laughing at me, but the emotions of the day and everything just completely overwhelmed me.
I got dressed and my roommates and I headed to Hollywood Studios for Fantasmic!! I didn't remember any of it, as my family usually prefers Wishes at MK or Illuminations at Epcot :)
Again though, Sam and Keshia's expressions were more than priceless. Emily and I linked arms and just soaked in the Disney feelings. It was good to have her there; someone else who had been before, but still loved every second!!
Fantasmic was absolutely excellent!! I teared up again when Tale As Old As Time started to play and Belle and Beast started to dance. I think it was then that I realized just how severely high the emotions have been running lately ;)
I met a couple more Canadians; Mandy and Hudson from Toronto! It's so great to have a group if us that get along :)
Getting home was a pain and a half though, so many cast were waiting for the bus that we had to watch two leave without us before there was one with room to get on. Poor planning on our part I think... If we had walked to a connecting resort there would have been fewer people waiting. Oh well! This is how you learn!
I got home around 2 am and made plans to spend the next day at MK! I have actually written this entire post on my iPod on the bus ride!! I plan on spending the ENTIRE day here!! I'll let you know how it goes!!
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