This morning was my first sleep in morning! And I only lasted until 9:30 or so, when my roommate left for Sea World with her aunt and uncle. But, I wasn't out of pjs until 11:30, so it was worth it! ;)
However, once I was up, the panic began for my traditions outfit. Little did I know at the time, but everything I packed was somehow breaking the Disney-Look. This skirt is too short, this one is denim-ish, this one is too casual, this dress is a sundress, these pants have a pocket, these shoes are too shiny, this jacket is too light. PANIC.
Sam and Andria and I went to the outlet mall to try and find me something else and to get Andrea some shoes that would suffice. The outlet mall turns out to only be a 15 minute walk away. Dangerously close ;) While I was there, I decided that spending money on a new outfit was a ridiculous idea since all of my outfits really were business appropriate, and that I was freaking out for no reason. Besides, we had to get back to housing and get ready for the glow party going on that night!! :)
Sam, Andria, Keshia and I left around 8 to head out to Vista Way, all decked out in white tank tops so that we would glow under black-light. On the way there, we met a Canadian who had already done traditions class! She told us that as long as the length was good and shouldners were covered, they would let us in, and the rules were just psyching us out! Phew.
We got to Vista Way in time for the pizza, and immediately lined up to meet Chip and Dale. While we were waiting, Chip and Dale left and we got to meet Pluto and Goofy instead, which was even better :) Sam and Keshia have never ever been to Disney before, and so this was their first character picture ever! Very exciting :) We went out onto the terrace where they were handing out glow sticks, and danced to the club music for a bit :) The best part was when the DJ yelled out, "All right guys! We get to party all the way to ELEVEN PM!" as though that was super exciting. Yay Disney and their curfews! ;)
It all worked out though, because Andria and Keshia have early morning traditions; they have to catch their bus at 6:45am. So leaving the party early was definitely a good idea. The bus ride home was time and a half though - a very large black woman from Brooklyn was ranting about the Disney Look and how she would react if they told her she couldn't wear her weave. It was absolutely hilarious, and I was crying I was laughing so hard. To each their own, I guess!
The sprinklers were all on in the path on the way home, and it was beautiful! I had to walk through them :) I ironed my pants for tomorrow at Keshia's house, met her American roommates, and am now home for the night. Pictures are uploaded to facebook, and I am so ready for bed! Goodnight all!
We are reading these every day! Love the extra details you can get in the blog. What exactly is the Traditions class? Is that your Disney-specific training?