May 21, 2013

Day 2 - finding my way around.

Today was pretty smooth here! Lots of heat, lots of getting used to things.

This morning Emily and I got up early and went to the grocery store with Marlenne (another roomie) which is about a 20 minute walk away. We got fruit, vegetables, bread, and milk, which will hold me over until I can get some more substantial things on Thursday. It was nice to be doing something that felt normal (and at a normal temperature) like grocery shopping. Even if the milk does taste funny down here!

Orientation today was great, but the air conditioning malfunctioning made it very warm and sticky. It took about an hour and a half to wait in line for them to check my paperwork; which of course isn't all there, for whatever reason. The guy at customs messed something up when he made me almost miss my flight. Sigh. So, they kept my passport and are supposed to have it all figured out for me by Friday. I hope so - because I need it to get home, eventually!

Then we all filed into a large room which was clearly specifically for the Program Orientations. A light show and Radio Disney were up and running and it was a very excited atmosphere. I discovered that only Mexican and Canadian students arrived this week - and the ratio is about 5:1 for the Mexicans, because a lot of the Canadians arrived last week instead.

The Orientation was all about our housing complexes, and the rules. We can get fired for things like drugs, weapons and giving someone a key who doesn't live in your apartment. Basically, be responsible adults ;)

Another beautiful thunderstorm happened while we were waiting; the rain was a downpour, the lightning in forks and the thunder was booming. It cooled off the evening quite nicely, and I spent most of it relaxing at home while all of my roommates were out. It was nice to have some time to myself as I get used to the climate and the space here. I got to know one of my Canadian neighbors, Keshia who is from Toronto. We hung out for a bit and she came over later in the evening as well.

Now I'm all tucked into bed and have an early morning tomorrow - another orientation. They're a little boring, but tomorrow is the last one :) 

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