May 22, 2013

Placement day!

Today I found out where I would be working!! I've gotten into Epcot, and I will be doing Outdoor Foods.

This is really exciting actually - Disney is split into 4 parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom) and 2 water parks (Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon). There's also Downtown Disney and dozens of resort locations. Getting into one of the parks was exactly what I wanted - MK was my first choice, but either Epcot or HS was a very close second!

As far as I understand it, Outdoor Foods (ODF) consists of running one of the snack kiosks. This means that I do not have to flip burgers or clean grills. I pass people pre-made food and they pay me for it. While not air conditioned (what with the outdoor bit and all) I still think I will be okay. All the kiosks have large umbrellas or shade of some sort, and it is a very independent job. I am in charge of my own stock and cash flow, and will be responsible for them. I'm sure I will find out more on Sunday, when I start my training :)

Before I found out, we had an immigration orientation session, where we were told all of the things that could get us deported. It's weird to remember that I am in fact an alien here - the culture is so similar to Canada and I've traveled to the states so often that I forget these rules apply to me as well.

We also got Disney-Look approved. I was all good, except for my ring (no jewelry for food-services) and my glasses. The glasses are supposed to be a solid color, and mine have both gold and brown. However, even though she didn't want to let them go through, I have nothing else to wear. No contacts, and no other sets. And I need them to see. And no one told me they wouldn't be approved at the interview. So, I get to keep them. Which is good or else they'd be out of luck. I have no other option. Being Disney-Lookified for Traditions class is very important, because if you aren't perfect, you can't go in. And if you don't get in, you can't start training, or work, until you have it completed. And the next class is next week when more students arrive. *gulp*. Here's hoping I packed a good enough outfit!

After that, I came home and took a nap before I found out my placement. It was much needed, and cleared my head for the afternoon. As I came home from the placement appointment, I met another Nova Scotian and we got caught in the rain waiting for the bus. It was fun though, because we didn't have anywhere to be and so being soaked wasn't an issue. Also, we laughed at all the Mexicans and Americans fleeing for cover. As Nova Scotians, not only are we used to the weather changing on a dime, the rain was pleasantly warm compared to our normal ;)

I had corn on the cob again for supper and my roommate made me a smoothie - bonding with my Mexican roommates has been easier than I anticipated :) Boys and movies seem to be universal girl topics, no matter where you are from!!

Off to catch up on some tv and head to bed! Loving it here and miss you all at home :)

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