That's how my day went.
It started off with getting to work around 10:30 and getting stuff ready to work at the Cool Wash cart all day. This cart is at the fake car wash just outside the Test track; which you think would be fantastic! The mist form the car wash sprinklers made everything 4 thousand times more humid and everything was so loud I couldn't think! Then, my POS system crashed, and I was adding totals and making change in my head for over an hour. And then the rain started. Just thing after thing after thing seemed to go wrong.
Finally, I was done work. I brought my cart back to base to count the inventory from the day, and the ICC guy came out to verify. Usually he's very quiet, does his job, seems to hate it, and leaves. Today though, he looks at me and asks me if I like anime (a cartoon style that is very popular). I told him that it depends on the anime, but generally not really. "Comics and video games then?" Well, yes actually. I do love comics and video games. Not as much as some people I know, but yes. "I knew it!" He says to me, "We picked you out, you've been discovered. We just knew you were one of us." I laughed a lot, and we started talking Avengers and X-men and the weird twists the Incredible Hulk story has taken of late and I realized how much I miss nerd-talk! I used to have so much of it at home, and haven't found a single comic book or video game nerd since I've been here! (Don't get me wrong, I talk to Disney nerds all the time, and I love it. But I miss this!) I counted my money and said goodbye, and had folks looking at me funny because this guy is normally very quiet, and we were being loud and animated about a mutual love of all things geek. It was wonderful!
I got home and started facebook stalking folks from work. (If any of those folks are reading this, no worries. I didn't find anything bad.) But I just realized that these people are actually real people. I don't know them in any other context and so I forget that they have lives outside of work. Some of them have bible references that I wasn't expecting, some of them think they're a gangster, some of them are dating others of them. The life behind each face that I thought I knew is completely different. And I think, for the first time, I really understood 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. They all have lives outside of Epcot, as they should.
I then got to skype my family. All of it. Becca in Nova Scotia, and Mom, Dad, Daniel, and Grandma in NH. We told stories, laughed until we cried, shared pictures, took pictures, made faces, waved to the left or right, and loved each other. I haven't laughed so hard since I've been here - it felt so good to laugh until my belly hurt! I miss them so terribly and I cannot wait for them to get here!!!!
After that, I watched snippets of Aladdin and Princess and the Frog, and now I think I'll fall asleep to Minecraft and Tangled. A wonderful ending to a day that may have started not-so-great, but ended up perfectly!
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