June 18, 2013

Homesick, but better.

Today I was up at 6am to get ready for work; I felt so bad for Emily, who had to hear me getting ready so early on her day off. Hopefully I didn't wake her up too much!

My day was pretty uneventful; I got a slight sunburn on the backs of my legs because of the last half of the day with little shade, but other than that things went well.

By far, my favorite part of the day was seeing David again! Remember this picture?

It was taken at the parade on my 14 hour MK day, when I met this wonderful family! (The full story is in the post here!) Today, David showed up at my ice cream stand, and I recognized him immediately. When he realized who I was he became very animated and excited and took my picture with his phone to send to his sister to tell her that he'd seen me again! He asked me how my job was going and we had a very lovely (albeit short) chat! It was awesome!

My day passed slowly after that, but soon enough I was home again; and I was able to skype Mom and Becca almost right away :) I talked to them for a while and was able to write my post from yesterday. I soon hung up and Emily arrived home to tell me all about her day, and Dad called me on Facetime and I was able to chat with him and then Tanya and I talked and giggled and got caught up. It's been a wonderful evening for talking to all the right people :) :) :)

At about 9:30pm, Emily and I left to go get groceries at Publix which is a 15 minute walk from us. I don't know what we were thinking, because we bought far too much stuff to comfortably walk home. However, our night was saved by the Walgreens cart that could; we affectionately named him Wall-e. He was just a little half-sized cart with no wheel lock that we found sitting on the sidewalk on the way home. And he carried our groceries the rest of the way! We had to leave him on the sidewalk outside of Patterson Court though, so hopefully he'll survive the night out there on his own ;)

All in all, a much better day than yesterday! Now I'm all tucked in and ready for sleep - another long day tomorrow :) Goodnight, and I miss you!

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