Today was a long, hot one. Just like all the rest.
Today I was at ibev - which is short for Imagination Beverage Stand. It's the food cart right outside the Imagination building. We sell pretty much everything there; pretzels, popcorn, ice cream bars, bottled drinks, fountain drinks. It's very popular, and it is a long day when you both open and close the place.
I did get to work with Brittany, who was wonderful. She's got this 'I'm better than Epcot ODF' attitude going on, but I don't really blame her. She just figures that if she wanted to serves fries and fast food, she could be doing it at home. And, I get her point, but there's no sense in complaining about it now. And, to her credit, she didn't let it affect her guest interactions; she was wonderful.
This is going to be a short post, because there's not much I can say about spending 13 hours in the sun handing people food and getting their money back. You do it a lot of times. You try to do it right. You sift through heavy accents and a lot of hand motions. And at the end of the day you take a long bath and hope your muscles will be okay with getting you up in the morning again.
All in all, a good day. A hot day, but my till balanced and I was home earlier than I thought I would be... even if it was a half hour later than I was scheduled. I was able to skype with my momma, skype with my sister, see my brother, and facetime with my daddy :) A very good evening, for sure! I'm also in the midst of making plans to visit my aunt and uncle when I'm finished my program; I'm so close to them while I'm here that it seems like such a shame to waste such a great opportunity! :)
Up early again tomorrow. Today I was falling asleep in the break room, but tomorrow's short shift and an early bedtime should help with that! Goodnight!
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