June 24, 2013

Oh, $#!%.

My first thought this morning was a very rude word. Today was my first experience with oversleeping-when-I-really-can't-afford-to at Walt Disney World.

I was planning on catching the bus that gets me to Epcot for 8:15am, since I started at 9am and the next bus wouldn't get me there until 8:50. I was planning on being on that bus when it left Chatham bus stop at 7:42am. I was planning on leaving my house at 7:25am for the 10 minute walk to that bus stop. and I was planning on getting up at 6:30am so that I could do so.

When I did wake up, it was 8:03am. (Insert rude thoughts and words here.) The bus that would get me to Epcot for 8:50 leaves Chatham at 8:13 every morning. I was up, into workout shorts and a tank top, throwing rain gear, my iPod, keys, my name tag, a granola bar and a Gatorade in my bag, and out the door in 2 minutes. The 10 minute walk became a 7 minute run and I arrived just as the bus pulled up. I sat on the bus, waiting for it to leave the stop, and praying that I had a costume in my locker at work. And praying that I'd be able to make it to Epcot in time to change and make it to PDF base by 9am.

God bless my bus driver, because she had me to Epcot by 8:45. I was changed, at base, and clocked in by 8:56. (I ran into the Norwegian guy from upstairs again! He was doing his Epcot Discover Day training... and rolling his eyes... he'd done it before on his last program. I only had time to say hello and that I was running late!) Ladies and gents, I was ready to go at work less than an hour after I woke up. When I usually arrive at Epcot 45 minutes before I have to start, that's pretty darn impressive.

The biggest issue today, was not that I was running late, but that because I was running late, I didn't pack myself a lunch. Or a supper. Or a substantial snack... for my 11 and a half hour shift. I was scheduled from 9am until 8:30pm... I didn't actually leave until 9:30. I survived my day off a granola bar, a bottle of Gatorade and free fountain drinks from the stand at work. I would have been in a lot more trouble had I been at a cart with no free water supply, that's for sure.

Nothing particularly interesting happened today at work; I was by myself in the cart we call the Land. It has no air conditioning, but does have a roof and two large fans. I've decided I quite like working there! I'm by myself, it's kept out of the sun all day, and there's nothing too messy to clean up at the end of the night. The long shift goes by quite quickly and there's some ownership involved in both opening and closing the same cart in one day. I work there again next week, and I'm actually looking forward to it! I much prefer long days to short ones... if I'm making the trek to Epcot anyway, might as well be there all day making money!

I got home at around 10pm, and was able to facetime mom and dad and grandma and grandpa for a few minutes! Their connection wasn't all that great, so we hung up after a few (very short) minutes, but then I got to facetime with Tanya! I told her all about my best day ever and she told me... hardly anything actually. I kind of monopolized the conversation (sorry, babe!).

Now it is time for bed! Trying to make plans this week is going haywire because everyone's days off are different! I want to do Epcot World Showcase, because I haven't done it yet :) Until tomorrow!

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