Today I was up again to work at the Promenade Refreshment stand (we just call it Prom!). I haven't worked there since training, and today I got to wear this beauty for the first time... and for the first time, I finally felt like I looked the part of a Disney cast member!
Prom is wonderfully air conditioned, and wonderfully large and wonderfully empty for the first while. The big issue this morning was that I didn't know how to put together the ice cream machine. I had to call my coordinator for help, and she was not at all impressed that I couldn't do it myself. Really, it's not my fault. The day I trained in the morning at Prom, it was already done. And the day I trained at night (when normally you'd focus on taking it apart and seeing where everything goes) was the night of the leaky ceiling when we shut down early and someone else was doing it. The laminated info sheets that are supposed to help me ("All the other cast members seem to get along using the sheets just fine. Use them." said my coordinator in her best 'you're clearly an idiot' voice) are for a different machine and don't even mention all the pieces. It was going fine until I was finished and had two extra pieces. Clearly I didn't do something right! She huffed and puffed the whole way through putting it together. It would have taken her half the time if she'd just shown me where there two parts go instead of complaining the whole time she took apart what I'd already done and did it herself.
She was already mad at me for having to show me how to put it together when I needed her to override a refund for me. At Eclipse, I could do my own refunds. At Staples, I could do my own under 20$. Over that, a manager would input their numbers and then allow me to continue. At Epcot, the override inputs their numbers, and then processes the return themselves. So, she was already mad when I swiped the card after she put her numbers in. I swear I could see the steam coming out of her ears. I got a talking to after the guest left about how that was her job, and I felt like rolling my eyes and telling her to cool it. I also felt like telling her that maybe if I had been trained correctly I would have known better. Or that it was my first ever refund, so take a chill pill. Also, it was a 3.50$ popcorn. Which I'm allowed to just give to a guest if they drop their first one. So calm down, lady.
But, I didn't. I smiled, nodded, and took a page from Sam's book... she has perfected the art of being the naive Canadian with a "Thanks! I'll know for next time!" The coordinator left and I only saw her once more, when she came in to check how things were going. She was all set to get mad at me for something... she wanted to know how long the hotdogs had been sitting (7 minutes), how long the popcorn had been sitting (2 minutes), and why there was an empty keg in the fridge (our stocker had already said he'd be back for it). Everything was in perfect working order and the other cast member and I had everything under control. And I think it made the coordinator even more mad. But, this time, there was actually nothing wrong. I really hope she cools down before I have to work with her again.
Other than that, the cast member I was working with was the chattiest person I have ever met. I ignored most of what she said because I would just find myself to have zoned out, or she wouldn't stop while I was interacting with guests, so my attention was not on her. I was able to leave soon after she arrived though.
Blair was at Port today and was my escort back to base. She's so funny, and I'm so glad I got to see her again! We get along fabulously, and is my first friend from work that I feel like I would like to hang out with outside of work.
My day was only a 6 hour shift; short and sweet. I got home around 5pm and cleaned my room! I got all my laundry into the wash, organized my drawers (even in Disney, I somehow managed to make myself a junk drawer!) and enjoyed the quiet of my apartment.
As I left to go switch my laundry to the dryer, I hear my name called from the top of the stairs to the 2nd floor... who else but the Norwegian guy from above me, sitting on the stairs on his phone. He actually hung up his conversation to ask me how my day was going. We had a great chat about golf, hockey, Canadian stereotypes, cold weather and the Disney programs. Turns out this is his second year-long program. He and his roommate met last year during the program and both decided to come back and do it again because they couldn't stay away. Turns out he hasn't even started work yet, so the Norwegian guy I saw serving the table next to us on Friday morning was not the same guy (but they do have the same name!)... now I'm really glad Sam and I didn't say hi. That would have been awkward. He asked for my number, which I don't have, but I helped him spell my name correctly so he could add me on facebook. The roommates and I have been officially invited to their next party, and even though I told him I don't drink I think Emily and I might go anyway. They are right upstairs after all, which makes deciding to go home whenever I want very easy.
Other than that, my evening has consisted of being able to talk to mom and dad for a few minutes, trying to find dining reservations for when my family is here (no luck yet on the dessert terrace, guys! I'll keep trying though!) and general I-don't-want-to-go-to-bed-but-I-need-sleep internet procrastination tactics. I think I am finally succumbing to my drooping eyelids though... goodnight!
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