June 30, 2013

Should have just stayed home.

Today was a lazy day. I watched more than one classic Disney movie. I played WoW. I played Minecraft. I ate poptarts. I skyped my momma and facetimed Tanya.

And honestly, that's pretty much it. I sat in bed all day, knowing that I would be going out tonight with Emily after she got home form work. Going out would be my Disney for the day, and I really needed a recharge day of movies and video games and chats from home.

When Emily got home I was raring to go. I was looking forward to going out on the town - even the Downtown Disney Town. We got prettied up (my hair looked fabulous!) and set out on our way.

Except, in a moment of idiocy on my part, I didn't bring my driver's license. Or any ID with a birthdate on it of any kind. I had it in my head that because it was Disney property, my Disney ID would work... just like it does for everything else.

But, no. Downtown Disney is actually a public space. So, instead of dancing and having a good time, I spent an hour and a half on a bus. And an hour waiting for one. Sigh. I do have to be up relatively early tomorrow for a long day. So I guess it all works out.

Just... dangnabbit. I'm an idiot.

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