Today was a very easy day! A very short shift of only 6 hours had me at Ice Cream 2. No bees in sight!
It was pretty standard, I was working with a new girl so I spent a lot of my time making sure she was inputting things correctly, but she was doing great so I didn't have much to do or fix. I mostly handed guests what they ordered while she rang it up, and then we'd switch. We got put on rain location while it wasn't raining, and then didn't get rain location when it was. You know, standard.
My stocker from yesterday, Trisha, pulled up beside me just as I was starting work and started off the conversation with, "You are going to be soooo pissed off."
I love conversations that start like this, don't you?
Land (home of the bees) had been remodeled (ish) last night. They've taken out the slushie machine and the soda machine. Instead, she only served packaged foods and bottled drinks all day. So the bees clearly left, because there was nothing sweet and sticky for them. And!! And Mission Space, which is one the other side of the park, the vendors were whining so much that they were shut down early. So, wait a minute. I spent eleven hours with bees yesterday, and now you're telling me that if I'd whined more they would have let me go home?
Trisha was right. I was ticked.
And you know, maybe me being literally scared to tears was the catalyst for fixing the problem. And maybe the reason it's being taken care of now is because I was so stressed they finally realized it was actually a problem. But seriously?! Seriously.
As the rain poured my stocker today came to pick me up right on schedule to take me and my money back to base. I clocked out right on schedule and even got a free cinnamon pretzel because it's cart had been shut down early and so my managers had them bring the fresh ones back to base for all of us! :) It was delicious! It gave me the hiccups immediately.
I caught the bus home and got soaked on the walk back to my apartment. I was definitely modeling the drowned-rat look. Emily came in about a half hour later while I was talking to mom and she looked very similar. It's clearly the newest in Florida fashion.
Today has been the first day where the rain has felt like Nova Scotia rain! It's still missing the pine smell, but it's been a moderate rain and it's been raining for hours. Florida rain has been mostly 20 minute torrential downpours that then stop and the sun comes back out. I like Florida's better.
I spent a while talking to my momma and laughing at my little brother being silly and yelling at my dad to come say hello to me. I miss you guys. Only two weeks left! Yay! Not yay :( But yay! (I'm confused about whether two weeks is happy or sad news. Both?)
At the present moment I am planning for tomorrow. Natalie and I both have the day off and you just know that means plenty of shenanigans! We both want to do the Four Park Challenge before we go home... and what better way to do it than with each other with a full day off? :) (I'll let you know all about what the FPC is tomorrow, and how we did!)
Until then, I have to get up early, and it is going to be a LONG day tomorrow! Goodnight! :)
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