July 18, 2013

Bees and bees and more bees.

Today was very stressful.

I was at Land all day... with the bees. It was such a long day of watching out for them, that I keep thinking I see one or two (or seventeen) here at home as well. Out of the corner of my eye. I was doing okay dodging the bees and keeping an eye out and explaining to guests that they'd have to wait a minute while we waited for the bee to leave the spout of the soft drink they wanted. I was OCD about keeping the place clean so that the bees would have no good news for their friends. I was told that if I squished them, they'd release a pheromone to attract more of them. And that if I swatted one, she'd sting me. So I was told to leave them alone and they'd leave me alone.

So, I was doing okay. Until I thought about my throat closing up if I got stung. And until one landed on me. Then I went to break and cried and tried to call all of my family. It was very stressful, watching out for bees for 11 hours. Yeah. Not a good time.

Finally the rain hit. It sent all the bees home and even caused my manager to shut me down early. Which was a good thing, because I was about to ask her to get me someone else to take over. I just couldn't handle another minute. I got to the base and banked out, and was invited to a nerd-get-together next week! I'm both excited and half planning to make up some excuse not to go.... a big group of people I barely know and who all know each other really well and that I have to leave again in a few weeks? I'm not sure that I want to be in the middle of that. But it might be fun! I guess we'll see if the official invite comes out before I worry about it too much, right?

I got home a little bit early because of the rain and facetimed with both my daddy and my Tanya for a while! Tanya and I finally got caught up with each other and, only like friends can do, we just chatted for hours. Tanya I miss you! The best part about chatting with her is not worrying about being boring - even if I'm talking about dirt she either finds it interesting or finds a way to make it interesting! :)

After we finished talking I took a long bath and then got into bed to watch tv and surf the interwebs. Now, it's time to be off to sleep! Night :)

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