July 14, 2013

Family's Last Day

Let me tell you - 6 days FLIES by when your family is visiting you in Disney World. That's how the saying goes, right?

Today we were up early again - this time off to Animal Kingdom for their opening. We got in and to the rope with minimal waiting, and as the rope went down we followed the Kilimanjaro Safari guide as he walked us to the Kilimanjaro Safari attraction. We were ahead of the pack and were able to essentially able to walk onto one of the trucks without much of a wait at all. Highlights included the giraffes walking right next to the truck, the huge elephant, and a baby rhino chasing some zebras until its momma came after it. Too cool!

After the safari we got some fast passes for Kali River Rapids and then headed to Expedition Everest to hop in the single rider line. When we got there however, the stand-by line was only 15 minutes, and Becca had never been on it before. So, as a family we hopped into the stand-by line and rode the coaster! Becca did not enjoy it at all, but Dad and Dano and I jumped in the single rider line to ride it a second time :)

When we finished, Mom and Dano rode a second time and by the time they were finished, we were ready to head to Kali River Rapids! Our fast passes were good, but we instead waited in the 20 minute stand-by line so that we'd be able to go twice. It was a good thing we chose standby first because the line became an hour's wait when we were finished. We got soaked on the big hill, Dad and I managed to get hit twice. But that's why we brought a change of clothes with us!

We got changed and then walked the two forest trails that DAK has - Asia and Africa. The tigers were snoozing, but the hippo was swimming around a bit again so that was cool :) We didn't spend long because the day was hot and all the vegetation makes it very muggy.

We ate lunch at Rainforest Cafe, a jungle-themed restaurant on Animal Kingdom property. The food was good, although has seemed to disagree with Becca's and Mom's bellies a bit so we are not doing a fireworks park this evening. It's okay though, because I think it's going to start to rain anyway, and it's been a long few days for all of us.

Dad and I took a quick trip to the grocery store and to drop off most of my stuff back at the apartment. I asked him before we left if he had his driver's license with him to be able to be signed in to my apartment complex and he said yes, but he'd left in in the safe at the hotel (oops). A very very very nice security guard let him through the gate anyway when I told him we were just dropping off groceries and that it was my dad. When we pulled up to my building though, I realized I'd also forgotten something... my key, sitting right next to Dad's license in the safe (double oops). Luckily, one of my roommates was home and, after lots of knocking, she let us in.

I gathered up some things for Mom to take home (an extra sweater, my jeans, a pair of shoes) so that it's less for me to take in just two and a half short weeks. And for the rest of the evening I think we're just sitting and relaxing in the hotel :)

Some interesting Disney facts and some snuggling later, and I'm on my way home :( I miss you guys already! Drive/fly safe, and I'll talk to you tomorrow night!!

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