July 05, 2013

July 4th, round 2.

(Alright, so technically it's the 5th.) But MK had their Independence Day fireworks all week, so it's basically still the holiday :)

I got up early this morning to head right over to property control to pick up some surprise souvenirs for my family when they get here. Because items are such a good deal, all the good things are often gone as soon as they open at 8:30. It was a very successful trip, I managed to find something for everyone and I'm very excited :) the three hour trip consisted mostly of the bus rides, but I was so fortunate to walk up to the bus stop just as the bus arrived to take me home as I didn't have a schedule with me. It also started raining as I got on the bus, but stopped before I got off!

I got home, showed Emily what I bought and just relaxed. I watched some tv shows I have on my computer and played some video games. I even got a short nap in :) I left the house again to catch the 7pm bus to MK for tonight's July 4th celebrations.

Every time I walk through those gates I am struck by both the beauty and how lucky I am to be here. I also often forget what I planned to do first and I always always forget how many pictures of that castle I already have. Today, I took a left at the castle instead if my usual right and wandered to Fantasyland by way of Liberty Square instead of Tomorrowland. I bought myself a coke and then windowed shopped my way through that end of the park.I found myself (as usual) in the Belle's village store and then in the circus store and then realizing that there were new pieces of the new roller coaster available to be seen! Disney is unveiling it piece by piece! Super exciting :)

I got some fries from Starlight Cafe and cheese sauce for them! So yummy! I came into Tomorrowland with about a half hour before the castle light show was to begin... Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger's Spin showed a 25 minute wait so I jumped in line. the 25 minute wait was only 5, and it was my first go on it since I've been here! :)

Right after, I rode the people mover and was able to see the electrical parade from the track. I got off and made my way to watch Celebrate and The July 4th fireworks. I found a great spot in the plaza by the center, enjoyed Celebrate as always and then braced myself what I hoped would be an amazing show.

It was fabulous, but honestly, Epcot was better. If I was American I might have known the songs or had a most emotional connection. As it was, the fireworks themselves were absolutely incredible. Disney had fireworks going off not only behind the castle, but also all around the plaza! It was very awesome to have fireworks going on all around us!

Then Celebrate the Magic happened again! For the second time around, I went to the viewing spot that I plan to take my family - just to check it out! :) I think it will be perfect :)

I walked to the bus stop, hopped on the bus and got home! Relaxed with a bath and some tv episodes. An early morning tomorrow means I should be asleep, so goodnight :)

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