July 04, 2013

July 4th.

Happy 4th of July - the day where all Americans everywhere get drunk and say, "We're the best! Eff you, rest of the world!"

Okay, well not really. I know plenty of Americans that do nothing of the sort. But it seems like every single person I met today fell into that first category. I left the house around 3pm to get to work, and once I was there, I didn't stop. I was on register at Port for 6 hours and didn't even have time to get myself a sip of water. It was a non-stop crazy line. Or, at least I thought it was crazy until I saw insane. My line went all the way back to the lagoon starting at 8:30pmish. To give you an idea, the lagoon is about 100 feet away. 100 feet of line! For chicken nuggets that you have to wait 15 minutes for? I wouldn't have done it. I would have gone hungry for sure.

Nothing really exciting happened in those six hours - it was just monotonous pressing of buttons and getting drinks and ice cream and dodging co workers doing the same. Emily stopped by; she had the night off and wanted ice cream and it was so nice to see a friendly face instead of the hundreds of impatient ones I'd already seen. At 10, the fireworks began and I still had a line up! I got to watch them between guests just enough to realize that it was the same as normal! Finally my line was gone because everyone was busy watching. Jose (my GT for the night) shut down my window, had me take my money out, and then let me watch the fireworks. And that's when the 4th of July part began.

the pavilion for America lit up, and red, white, and blue flash fireworks started coming out. Then big fireworks right over top of the lagoon. And bright whites and huge explosions. All to the tune of the chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic; you know, the "glory, glory, hallelujah!" And the finale! Starting with a circle of bright whites from all of the countries, and oh man, a full 20 seconds of red, white, and blue explosions all over the lagoon and America. It was loud, bright and beautiful.

I was so happy that I was on cloud nine and I walked back to base with my bank. Kaycey, Robin and I took the back way to base, because the staggering number of people in Epcot tonight was crazy. Absolutely insane. I got to base, banked out, and was all set to clock out and go home when BAM. Jasmine asks if I'll go all the way back to Port to help them close.

Sigh. I love Jasmine. She's so nice and wonderful. So I did it. I arrived back at Port to tell Jose that I was back to help and he just started laughing. I did the front work; cleaning and sanitizing and wiping down and putting bags over everything. It's not hard, there's just a lot to do and after a long day? Not fun. However, because I wasn't originally going to be there, I was not scheduled to clean the fryers!

Turns out, that Jasmine actually did me the favor. I got home around 1:15am (two hours later than I'd planned!) but Emily and Sam informed me that the bus line was hundreds of cast members long right after the park closed, from all the students wanting to get home! They got on the second bus at 11:15ish and were close to the front. Emily said she even looked for me to make sure I wasn't at the very back but didn't see me... which was very sweet of her, because I'd have been pissed if I'd had to wait. But, as it turns out, Jose has a car. And lives in Patterson. So he gave Kaylen and I a lift home! And I got paid for extra hours. And I didn't even have to do anything hard. And I spent my evening laughing and joking with friends from work instead of thinking of ways to murder people ahead of me in line so I could get on a sooner bus ;) So, Jasmine, thank you :)

Finally walked through the door and Emily and Sam were up at the dining room table chatting and waiting for me to get home :) I love my Florida family :)

Now, at 2:45am, it is definitely time for bed! I hope you all enjoyed your day, I know that I did; even if I wasn't planning to :)

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