July 03, 2013

Rain. Again.

Finally done my long days. Three very long, very hot days. But I'm done! Today I was at the Land Cart, which I think is my favorite so far! It's a hut with fans and shade and I'm on my own all day. Being on my own is both a blessing and a curse; the time passes by really slowly. But I get to work at my own pace and have my own space. I quite love it.

This morning I left the house before our inspection. We passed, which is good because it means that we aren't getting charged for a professional carpet cleaning or anything like that! :) Apparently the only reason we didn't get a perfect score is because a couple of my roommates were still in bed. And to get a perfect, everything needs to be perfect. Oh well. We still get good-job-cookies. Like real adults do in the real world (?).

I met my first Atlantic province folks today! A family from St. John's, Newfoundland came to my cart, and we had a great chat about the weather and about home and about missing the Canadian air. It was wonderful :)

At Land, I mostly sell slushies and pretzels, with some fountain drinks. It's a pretty easy cart to run with one person, and I had it closed up in record time today. Just as I was done closing, the rain came. a huge downpour as I walked back to base to count money and inventory. I got completely soaked, and it was hilarious to see everyone else at ODF. Almost none of us ran for cover... within two seconds you could tell that it would be pointless... so we were all soaked and laughing about it. I was given a drive home by a friend instead of having to wait for the bus which was wonderful!

I got to talk to mom and dad on skype for a while after work, which was lovely! Daniel is at camp this week and I am so proud of him! And making plans for their Disney trip has me so excited to show them all the nooks and crannies I've discovered while I've been here! :)

I'm making plans with Emily for trying to go downtown again and maybe even make a trip to Florida mall before we leave. Both of our families are coming next week, and then there's so little time before we go home! :( :( :( We've been chatting away for 3 hours about everything you can imagine. I'm so lucky to have made such a good friend... even better is that we're from the same town and we'll be able to hang out after the program! :) We're jamming to Taylor Swift and laughing at each other and it's all good things :)

Time for bed, and finally a sleep-in morning... the last one for a week and a half! Night! :)

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