July 23, 2013


First things first: when I woke up today I returned the car I'd rented yesterday. It felt like saying goodbye to a good friend with whom I'd shared a great adventure. But alas, she had to go back home. When I got back to my apartment (not only will Enterprise pick you up, they'll drive you home!) I got ready for work. Today I finally had an ugly enough costume that I felt like a Disney cast member. And I looked like a 50's house wife.

There's an adorable (not) apron for it too.
I've been deployed to Animal Kingdom this week, and I'm working at the restaurant called Restaurantosaurus. Also known as Resto.

And it was today that I realized how lucky I truly got with Epcot ODF, because working in the restaurant was not glamorous or easy or relaxing. Not that I'd expected it to be, and not that my job is those things. But it was hard work. And I was in a skirt.

I got on the bus that would arrive an hour before my shift started, because I had no idea where I was going. Thankfully, a couple guys wearing the male equivalent of my costume were walking from the bus stop as well, and I must have looked as helpless as I felt because they took pity on me and helped me find everything I needed. They showed me where I could put my things, where the break room was and where I could clock in. So, instead of needing the full hour, I had 45 minutes to chill out and wait for my shift to begin.

Also waiting were two other members of my Epcot ODF family who were there for their first day as well. One of them had a Vanilla Coke in hand, which I haven't had in years since they stopped selling them at home. I bought one and it was amazing! I'm now a little worried about my pop intake this coming week though ;) We had a cast member meeting before the place opened and I learned a little bit about the atmosphere... they are very heavy into guest interaction and being available for whatever the guest needs. But, and I don't know about you, I like to be left alone while I'm eating. So I mostly just kept my mouth shut and paid attention anyway.

When I clocked in I got my assignment, and found more Epcot ODF family members who'd been at Resto last week as well; and they showed me where to go and what to do. I am very grateful to Marie especially, who is newer to Disney than I am, but who helped me tons.

I spent my morning busing tables. I have never in my life bussed a table, and even though I got the swing of it pretty quickly (how hard is it to wipe down a table and push in chairs?), I was dodging people with trays piled high with food, and squeezing between  full table to get to the empty one in the back corner and getting leftover food all over my clothes when a pile of trays needed to be taken back to the kitchen. I also had to tell a group of 4 Chinese ladies who spoke very little English that they had to get up and leave; the way Resto works is that once you have your fast food, you are seated by a cast member. And the ladies, who were in to rest their legs in the air conditioning, were not ordering anything.

I felt rather badly but, as they had snuck in the exit door, they must have known that someone was going to ask them to leave. I was polite but firm in that they had to vacate the table for guests looking for somewhere to eat; it was just after noon and the line waiting for tables was long.

Paul came to relieve me for my break, and unlike at Epcot, at Resto the computer tells you when and where you need to be. So after my break I got my new assignment by logging into the computer, and I was assigned to taking over the trash running for the lodge side of the building. I don't think I would have minded it much, if I wasn't tired from staying up to late and if I wasn't on the opposite side of the building from the dumpster. Every time my can was full (it held 3/9 trash bins that I was responsible for) I had to take it outside and go the entire way around the back of the building and chuck the bags into the compressor.

In a skirt.

So, when I went into the break room to get someone's leftover ketchup off one of my hands and I saw my Epcot family packing up their stuff because they'd gotten ER's (Early Releases) I went into the kitchen to see if there were any left. Sure enough, I was let out early! The coordinator was very nice about it, and seemed happy that I wanted to go home (I was confused, but oh well)!

I got changed into normal clothes and actually hopped into line for the guest bus to Epcot; a much more direct route then going home first. I'd been in line for a few minutes when a mom and her son got into line behind me as I waited. She looked very tired, asked me if this was the line for Epcot, and then informed me that she thinks she's going crazy.

I felt a small tapping on my arm where her very adorable son wanted to show me his pins. "Hi. I'm Jayden. I'm five. My birthday just passed, it was June 17th! I trade pins. Do you have pins? Where are your pins, anyway? This one's my favorite. I'm a Wilderness Explorer! What's at Epcot? Mom, do you have my toy? "

No wonder she thinks she's going crazy. I told her about the hidden mickey pins and how the easiest way to get around Epcot would be. I told her son that I liked his pins and asked who his favorite character was. He talked a mile a minute and was so animated I could barely stop giggling. When the bus pulled up and her son picked a seat, I sat across the row from them. Jayden immediately got up to sit beside me instead, so that "I need to keep talking about pins, mom. I need to know how to do this the very very best! Hey, why don't you have your pins with you today? You can't leave them at home! Then you can't trade!"

Turns out, they are here visiting her daughter, who is doing the Disney College Program until January! When I told them I worked at Epcot, they were surprised and wanted to know if I liked it here. They are going to MK tomorrow, to watch the electrical parade and to visit Mickey Mouse. I told Jayden's mom where the best parade spots were and I told Jayden to give Mickey a hug for me. "Are you going to Magic Kingdom tomorrow?! You can come with us! Right mom?!" I told him that I'd love to, but I have to work tomorrow. "Where to do you work?!" When I told him that I worked at the dinosaur restaurant at Animal Kingdom, his mouth did a perfect little 'O' and his shocked look had me giggling all over again. "Do you get to eat as much as you want?!" I wish, kiddo, I wish!

I told Jayden's mom that he had made my day, but I don't blame her for being tired; I would be too if I'd had him around me for the whole day, let alone the last several years! ;) 

When we arrived at Epcot I asked if I could take a picture, and then said goodbye. I think that this is my favorite part of being a cast member; meeting families that I would never ever ever have the chance to meet otherwise. Have a great day tomorrow at MK, Jayden!

Me and my new best friend, Jayden.
I walked through Epcot to the backstage door by Test Track and back to ODF base to ask a manager for a favor. Luckily, Evan was in today, and it looks like next weeks shifts are all sorted out :)

I headed home just as the rain started, and the bus was waiting for me outside the cast services building. I got home to an empty apartment and promptly fell asleep! When I woke up, I tried to skype my mother and facetime my dad, but neither were available right away, so instead I cooked myself dinner; a real proper dinner for the first time this summer; salmon filet. While it was in the oven I was able to talk to my family in Ontario - different aunt and uncle and cousins this time, but still family! :) It was a short conversation but I would like to state for the record that I've been promised chocolate cake next time I visit!

 When they had to go, I skyped my momma for a while and found out that the link for yesterday's video was no good; it is all fixed now! We chatted for a while and my salmon was ready to eat (It was delicious!) and then she had to go as well.

My house is still empty and I'm not sure where all my roommates are, but another day at Resto tomorrow means that it's now bedtime for me! Goodnight everyone!

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