July 24, 2013

Internet woes.

Today I was back at Resto for day 2. I started off as a filler, which was the same as being thrown into a pit of vipers. Not that I’ve ever been thrown into a viper pit, but I’m assuming it’s similar.

“Where’s my drink? Why don’t I have my food yet? I’ve been waiting here forever. I don’t have all I need. Can you find out where my food is?” Jumpins, people. Have some patience. Four and a half minutes does not equal forever.  The hot food came out from the kitchen and I added the cold items to each tray. I got into the rhythm of it pretty quickly, and was pleased that when the coordinators came along to help, I was not among the ones getting snapped at.

The time flew quickly as a filler, always busy and always a guest to talk to. Before I knew it, break time had arrived and I was being given another assignment. Trash runner, again. This time though, on the convenient side of the lodge, with the dumpster outside the back door.  Emptying trash cans is a pretty easy job, and someone has to do it, but I was bored out of my mind! No one notices the trash kid. I’m invisible. So much so that people get stupid. If the bin is outside of the trash can because someone is putting a new bag in, then please don’t put your trash through the hole. It ends up on the floor. And when you walk away, the invisible girl has to pick it up. Why are people idiots?

Some folks are kind, and will ask where I’d like it to go. For these people I gave them a smile and took their entire tray and told them I’d be happy to do it for them. Not only do they think I’m wonderful, but it is actually just easier to do it myself.

Around 3pm, the restaurant starts to empty out. And around 4, my side was actually closed to new guests. Eventually I was walking around doing nothing, because the trash wasn’t filling up fast enough to make emptying the bags worth it. Finally at 4:30 we emptied the trash for the last time and a manager came to make sure it was all done and then I was sent home. Yay!

A friend drove me home, which was lovely. I got home and fell asleep to Doctor Who after a bowl of ice cream. I woke up to a skype call from my momma! We chatted for a bit, but then she had to go. I made a cup of my fancy tea that I bought on Monday, and let me tell you, necessity is the mother of invention. Without anything to steep the tea in, I used tin foil with some holes poked in it. It worked wonderfully (and tasted marvelous)!

I was also able to facetime the family in Ontario again… lots of laughs and getting caught up before – ffft! – out goes my internet. Out goes the modem. Which I have no access to. My troubleshooter tells me that my router connection is fine, but I should restart my modem. The one in the locked room. Great. Sorry guys, it’s not my fault that I hung up on you!

Another cup of tea and some non-internet activities later, and I’m writing my blog post in a word processor with the hopes that the modem is up and running again in the morning. Goodnight everyone!

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