July 25, 2013

Thunder and trash and sadness.

This morning I had on a skirt that didn't show my knees (so that I wouldn't get in trouble for half of my kneecaps again. How scandalous!) and flip flops.

The thunder woke both Emily and I up at 6:50 this morning (me, who could probably sleep through a train running through my house). It was so loud that the apartment was shaking and car alarms were going off. Yeah.

So, flip flops to work meant that I had dry shoes for today! Which was great since I was trash running again. For four and a half hours of my six hour shift. Because that's fair. Sigh. And it was on the crappy side of the lodge too. Just praying it won't be the same tomorrow.

My 11-5 shift was pretty boring today. After the morning/afternoon of trash running I was assigned to busing tables again. It was a slow afternoon after the rain passed and so it was pretty boring, but I wasn't trash running, so I wasn't complaining! KJ and I got the lodge side cleared and closed in record time, and perfectly done too, I might add.

Instead of going home after clocking out, I got changed and headed to the Festival of the Lion King! It hit me kind of hard today that I only have one week of Disney left. Only a week! Only four days of work after today! #holymoly. That's like a normal person vacation. Ahhhh!

The Lion King was excellent, and I've decided to go back tomorrow. And the day after. And ride Everest. And just generally come to terms with the fact that I won't see Animal Kingdom again for a while. And next week I'll have to say goodbye to Hollywood Studios, Epcot and Magic Kingdom. In that order. I will sob next week at this time, knowing I have to leave in the morning.

I might cry now just thinking about it.

Anyways! It was excellent, and then I went home. Not super exciting, nor super restful, and I didn't get anything done. I did talk to momma for a bit :) And then Dad :) I watched some tv episodes and facebook stalked some folks. I contemplated my future and realized how odd it would be to break the 17 year long habit of going to school in September. And I wondered briefly what I will do with my life. You know, a normal evening.

Back to Animal Kingdom in the morning! Hopefully I'll break my trash running streak (cross your fingers!) Night everyone :)

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