June 12, 2013

Balancing act?

Today I was up and at 'em far too early for my liking; 8am. Tomorrow morning is 6:30. Yuck!

Today was my actual first day by myself at a cart, and I was selling turkey legs. Big, whopping turkey legs the size of my arm. I felt very flustered all day, because I really had no idea what I was doing. The only training day I had on a cart was my day with Lucy, and I didn't feel like I learned anything. But, I found several different people to ask for help - and they were all lovely :) And, now I feel like I could do it on my own :)

The day went smoothly, but it was very warm. It was supposed to thunder this afternoon, but the mugginess and heat just kept building and building instead. My cart, while shaded, was not in the path of a breeze and it got pretty brutal. I was able to go on my break in the middle of the afternoon and sit in the shade and breeze for an hour during the worst part of the day, but by the end, I was definitely ready to go home.

I've discovered that keeping hydrated at my job is a second job in itself: my first instinct when I think of getting dehydrated is to chug down a bottle of water and to take more water whenever I get a chance. Except that in my line of work, I am at a cart by myself, and I can't leave. And drinking that much water, while keeping me hydrated, also makes me have to pee! It was a very precarious line trying to drink enough to stay hydrated but not enough to be over hydrated and have to pee 24/7. Sigh ;)

I got banked out no problem at all - and my till balanced perfectly! On my first day by myself with money, it was a huge accomplishment for me :) Everyone was kind and lovely again as I asked even more different people how to do things. Even the one guy who is usually mean was helpful!

The lack of thunder all day had finally caught up with itself. The dark clouds started rolling in over my complex just as I was arriving home; the weirdest combination of dark clouds with thunder and fork lightning ahead and a bright blue sky and sun behind me. The difference was like night and day... literally. Very dark vs. very bright. And to make things weirder, to my right was a rainbow! Crazy skies. I'm rather glad there wasn't a blizzard to my left. Or a tornado.

I got home and had time to talk to both Emily and Tanya :) I miss you, girl! The three of us are really just peas in a pod and I can't wait for us all to hang out when we get home :)

Emily had a friend coming over and so I took the time to talk to my family! I miss you guys, you know. A lot. They're all hams and waltzed in and out of the kitchen doing jazz hands and making silly faces. I can't wait to see you guys!!

Time for bed for me, though I think! Early morning and long, hot day ahead tomorrow. Good night!

(Also, happy 6-12!!!)

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