June 13, 2013

Mission Space... as in, can I have some?

The alarm clock started going off crazy early. My brain gets very confused when Emily has to be up earlier than I do... because the first thing I register is the alarm. Then I notice it doesn't sound familiar. Then I realize it's not for me. But E mily and I are the same, and she hits the snooze button a lot. So this process happens three or four times. Then, when my alarm goes off, my brain wants to ignore it, because it can't be for me! But the sound jogs my memory and I finally realize it's my wake up call. And then I hit snooze and repeat the process.

When I finally realize I have to wake up for real, my brain is so jumbled I can't think. Especially when all of the above begins at 5:30am. And I'm in the shower by 6:15am. This is how it went this morning.

By the time I was ready to leave the house, I thought I was running late. I was rushing around trying not to forget anything. I made the bus no problem (it left five minutes after I thought it was going to) and got to costuming in time to get a clean shirt and hat for the day.

I was opening the hut-place-thing we call 'Mission Space' today. It's called such because it is right beside the MS ride in Epcot. It was very lucky that this was the same place I closed with Kirstie a few days ago or else I would have had no idea how to open it. The curtains are opened (and shut) via a rod that I never would have known existed had I not already used it. I did my counts, got my money, and opened up right on time at 9:45. I had pretzels, popcorn and fountain drinks to sell, and they are very popular. I'm the only cart on my side of the park with either popcorn or pretzels and they sell like wildfire. I was glad to have a second cast member to show up at 11... until she actually did show up. She so obviously didn't care about being there. She was filler today, since I had money in the till, and she was achingly slow. I could have moved gusts through three times as fast by myself. And she was rude to them. And she was Haitian, which meant I could barely understand a word through her accent. It was so exhausting to stay positive all day that between the heat and her I was sooooo ready to leave by 5. My shift ended at 6, so at 5:30 a stocker was supposed to come and escort me and my money back to base.

5:30 came and went. At 5:45 I called his radio to ask if he'd forgotten about me; he was just over at the next stand waiting for the girl there to get her money out and the three of us would go together. But then, two minutes later, an All-Call came over the radio: all outside vendors must take their money and radios and go to their lightning locations because of the storm happening close by.

This is actually a good system, what with the metal umbrellas and such that many of us stand outside with all day. If lightning is happening, I'd rather not just stand there. However, which we're all in either ,lightning or rain locations, you have to stay there. So, my stocker's rain location? Mission Space. He came to the half-door and walked right in. And then told me that we wouldn't be able to leave until the All-Clear was given.

Six o'clock came and went. And 6:15. And 6:30. And 7. Finally, at 7:10, the all clear was heard over the radio and I was allowed to be walked back to base. I banked out in record time, again with a balanced deposit (yay!), and booked it home.

On the walk home from the bus stop I ran into Hudson and Eleanor headed to Chatham's pool; they invited me along and I told them I'd meet them there. I got home and invited Emily and the two of us headed over. We spent about an hour at the pool; making fun of British accents and Eleanor's height, showing off hand-stand skills and watching as Emily ducked her head for the first time in years. It was great fun, and after a long hard day, a dip in the pool and a belly ache from laughing were the perfect remedies. Or so I thought.

When I got home, I talked to Dad for a while, and then to Tanya, and I realized just how much I miss home. Nova Scotia smells different than Florida. The rain doesn't smell right here, the heat doesn't either. The maple and evergreen trees at home make everything smell... right.  I miss it.

I really just think I need a day off. At home, 2 days without some alone time drives me batty. Here? I've gone nearly four weeks without a real sit-at-home-all-day, don't-get-out-of-pjs, watch-crappy-tv, play-too-many-video-games, eat-whatever-I-feel-like-whenever-I-feel-like day. I've either been working, at a park with thousands of other people, or had my roommate home as well. I need a veg day.

However, that won't come for a while. I work tomorrow, then I have plans all weekend. Hopefully I won't burn out before I find an evening to just hang out. Until then, go, go go! Do do do! And live live live! I don't want to waste a minute :)

Now Emily is playing the Beach Boys on her laptop, and I feel better already. Time for sleep :)

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