My day started very early. Last night, Sam and I decided on a whim to book a breakfast at the Norway pavilion in Epcot for 8:20am this morning... it's a character breakfast with the princesses. And, while expensive, it is something that I wanted to do. And this is supposed to be a summer of no regrets! So, regretting nothing, I was up at 6am to be ready and pretty for 7am to catch the bus to Epcot. I wore a nice outfit, made sure my hair was down and packed a bag of park-hopping clothes for later.
At this particular restaurant, four princesses roam through the tables during your meal. And, unbeknownst to me, a fifth princess is there as you come in to have your photo taken with professionally. This photo is then printed and delivered to you before you finish eating. The first magical moment of the day: the fifth princess available for the photo was Belle herself. Not only is she my favorite by far, I had yet to meet her. I gave her a hug and got a beautiful picture of her and Sam and I for a souvenir. Day was off to a good start!!!
During the breakfast, we were told to help ourselves to the buffet, and they would bring us as much as we wanted of the eggs, sausage, bacon, and other hot things. I somehow managed to bring the vegetarian I know to a Norwegian breakfast consisting mainly of delicious meat products. Guess who got all of her meat portions? That would be this kid! ;) Cinderella, Aurora, Snow White and Ariel all came around to say hello and ask how we were doing! I was very much a 5 year old child, getting pictures and in total awe of each one. Snow White was absolutely brilliant; her voice sounded exactly like the cartoon. Clearly Belle was my favorite, but they were all fantastic! Sam started to cry as we neared the end; this is what she's been waiting for for months and I was so glad that she came with me :)
The kicker to the breakfast was that I overheard the server at the table next to us introduce himself to his table of guests. I recognized both the name and the voice, and when I looked over? Sure enough... the tall, blonde, Norwegian, soccer-playing upstairs neighbor. I didn't say hello or anything, because he was at work, but still hilarious to me!
I got changed into park hopping clothes when we were done, and met up with Natalie outside of the Mexico pavilion. I sent home my professional photo, cute outfit, and sandals with Sam; she was headed home before work and said she didn't mind taking my bag of stuff with her. Natalie and I grabbed fast passes for Test Track, but even the single rider line was a 40 minute wait and so instead of hanging around Epcot we caught a guest bus to Animal Kingdom. Upon arrival, we took our time. We knew we were in no rush and that we had no real plans for the day. We first went to Primeval Whirl; a ride in Dinoland. I hadn't been on it yet and Natalie loves it! Then, we went to Asia and got into the single rider line for Expedition Everest. In my first AK Magical Moment of the day, I somehow managed to get a seat at the very front. The dad of the family of five that I was joining had paid off his two daughters to let him have the front seat... and he was the member sitting alone. I got to join him! It was absolutely incredible and a measurable amount better than the rest of the train!
When we got off Everest, we went to a small shop in Asia. We'd both seen a certain style of dress around the Disney properties that we liked, but the patterns were always iffy and the price of 45$ was a little steep. At this little shop however, there were two green and one blue dress of this style in a much prettier fabric and pattern... on sale! A few minutes later, we both owned new dresses! I had the green and Natalie the blue... for 20$ instead of 45$. Mom, you would have been so proud!
We wandered over to Africa, got fast passes for the Kilimanjaro Safari and walked the African wildlife trail while we waited for our time to arrive. We saw okapis and gorillas quite close, but the highlight was the hippo! Usually viewed while lying still, the hippo today was swimming circles in its water area... which had an underwater viewing area for guests. It would come right up to the glass and drift by, and all I have to say is that hippos are huge! We watched it for a while and wished we got the big yawn on camera, and eventually moved on.
When our time came for the safari, the fast pass line was a dream. We passed hundreds of folks waiting in the stand-by line (a 70 minute wait) and basically walked right onto a truck. We even had a whole bench to ourselves, which meant a side of the truck for each of us!! The ride was similar to last time, but of course, live animals means every trip is different. We saw the giraffes and the elephant herd, but the best part was the white rhino that was so close to the truck I could have touched it.
After the safari we went to get food at the quick service barbeque restaurant. I grabbed a cookies-n-cream ice cream cone on the way and laughed as Natalie devoured a full plate of ribs. We sat with a perfect view of Everest and when it started to rain at about 3pm, we packed up and headed for the exit. We stopped inside one of the stores to discuss our options; the rain could send us home (neither of us had our ponchos with us) or we could put our valuables in the plastic bags from our purchases for the day and trek on to Magic Kingdom. Two Disney-loving, rain-loving, full-of-energy young women. Which option do you think we chose?!
The only option, of course! Onwards to MK!
We caught a guest bus from AK to the Contemporary resort and walked up to MK from there. The rain kept up, and so we spent a while in the shops, and almost a half an hour watching a guy create a blown glass bowl. He was wonderful and explained to us everything that he was doing and how it works, told corny jokes and even posed for one of my photos! The bowl he made was based off Minnie Mouse and only took him about 25 minutes. I've seen blown glass before, but never been told what each step does! It was very cool. Natalie expressed how awesome it was that we had been at MK for an hour already and not even made it past Main Street!
The new bakery on Main Street is finally open for business! It is now in cahoots with Starbucks and so when we went to check it out I was able to order a comfort of home, and since the rain had significantly cooled the air, I made it a hot beverage. Natalie got her own and when we looked back outside, the rain was falling even harder and faster and the entire length of Main Street up to the castle was practically empty! So we walked outside, wishing our cameras would stay dry for a picture, just taking it in. Everyone around us was scrambling to find shelter and dressed in ponchos and clinging to umbrellas... and why wouldn't you? If you're here on vacation, you don't want to get soaked on your day at Magic Kingdom.
But Natalie and I are not on vacation. And water won't hurt you! So I stood looking at Main Street and looking at the castle and just loving the sounds and sights and smells! But, it was chilly being soaking wet! There was a small breeze that actually made the chill very cold. But I knew that the pavement would be very warm from the beating sun all morning and afternoon.
So, I sat down. Right in the middle of the plaza that looks up at the castle and down Main Street. Natalie just laughed and without another word, joined me! I was right, the pavement was so lovely and warm that I was having trouble deciding to either lay down or drink my latte! So, I did both! The rain was pounding and people were looking at us funny and we both just started to giggle. We got some great comments, including "You'll get farther if you're vertical", "Victims of the lightning strike!", and even "Are you protesting something?" I'm pretty sure a couple people even took our picture. We laid there for a good 20 minutes to half an hour, laughing, enjoying the warmth, and making a memory that will last forever.
The best memories are made by doing something crazy with good people.
When the rain started to let up, people started walking around again and so we decided that getting trampled probably wasn't in our best interest. And so we headed into Tomorrowland to see what the wait for Space Mountain was like. Every one kept looking at us; we were beyond soaked. It was very clear that we had either stood out in the rain during the entire storm, or else we had just jumped in a pool of water with all our clothes on. We couldn't stop giggling... until we saw that the wait for Space was 70 minutes and the fastpass time was going to be in two and a half hours. We were standing there deciding what to do, when a man came up behind us and asked if we were going on Space Mountain. We said yes, and he gave us the two fast passes that were for the other two people in his party... the two people that had decided not to go after all. The fast passes were for right away. Magical Moment.
We hopped right in line and didn't have to wait at all! The fast pass lane was basically a walk on! We got on, all sorts of giggly and a little feeling bad about how wet the seats were going to be after we were done! When the ride started, we realized that we could see the track! The People-Mover, a slow moving tour of Tomorrowland, goes right through Space Mountain as part of it's track. When the PM gets stopped though, the lights for it's track go on; lighting up a good part of Space Mountain! It made it almost more intense, knowing how far you were dropping and how steep the curves were going to be! It was an awesome experience, and Natalie and I were yelling "This is so cool!" "This is so weird!" "This is awesome!" at each other basically the whole ride!
We got off, got more fastpasses for later, and headed up through Fantasyland. The wait for The Little Mermaid was too long, but we stopped in Gaston's Tavern for their cinnamon roll - soooo yummy! We even stopped to check if there was an opening at Be Our Guest, but no luck. We didn't really expect there to be, so it wasn't really a big deal. Passing Philhar Magic, we decided to do that since we both love it and since it was still raining and since it would hopefully be warmer in there than outside. We got a good laugh that we were looking for a warm indoor location... in Florida... in June... on the first day of summer. The show was brilliant as usual, and we talked about how we were basically soul mates. Not soul mates like Tanya and I are... Tanya and I are opposite and work well together and love each other and make it work wonderfully. Natalie and I are just the same person. We have the same soul. Everything we did, said or wanted to do was answered with an "I know, right!?!" from the other person. It was wonderful.
I don't know about your family, but my family usually does Adventureland extremely quickly. There isn't a whole lot there to hold the interest of all five of us, and so I really feel like Adventureland and I don't know each other very well. So, that's where we headed. We shopped a bit, caught a glimpse of Aladdin and Jasmine, and walked around... and I realized why we don't spend much time there. Because there just isn't much to do! We looked up wait times for both the Jungle Cruise and the Aladdin ride, both of which were longer than Thunder Mountain.
So we high-tailed it to Frontierland. I can understand that most folks don't want to do an outdoor roller coaster in the rain, but we were already soaked! The rain was still falling and most people were just shop-hopping, trying to stay out of it. The wait for Thunder was supposed to be 20, but took us more like 5. It was absolutely awesome. We were going to do Splash as well, but their "20 minute" wait line was stretched almost back to the entrance. So, we ducked out of line and instead walked back down towards Adventureland, knowing that our fast pass time for Space was coming up in a bout a half hour. We meandered though, I got a fast pass for Jungle Cruise for my collection, we walked through Casey's Corner (the sports-decor fast food place on Main Street), and I decided that I would get a burger at Cosmic Ray's in Tomorrowland after we did Space, because it smelled so good in there... and all I'd had since breakfast was an ice cream and half a cinnamon roll.
As we entered Tomorrowland, we decided to go into the Monster's Laugh Floor, since I have never been. It's a comedy show where they actually make real-time jokes and poke fun at random people in the audience. It was hilarious! (But, honestly, I think it was only funny because I was with Natalie. You need to be with other people who find it funny to have a good time at these things!) By the time we got out, our Space fast pass time had arrived! Only, when we arrived at Space, it was shut down :( They didn't know how long it would be, and it was still raining, so we didn't want to wait to find out. We talked about going home, but Natalie had yet to do the Little Mermaid ride, so we walked back up to Fantasyland to do that :) It was only a 20 minute wait, and I don't think it even took that long. It was very cute, as always!
When we were done we decided to go home, but also decided to check at Be Our Guest once more in a last ditch effort to get in. When we walked up to the guy at the gate and asked if there were any cancellations. He said, "Unfortunately not for tonight, but..." when all of a sudden he was cut off by a guy walking out of the restaurant. "Is it just the two of you?" We nodded. "We can fit you in." The guy at the gate was taken aback and started to argue, but the second guy must have been a pretty high-up fellow, because he just looked at him and said, "I said, we can fit them in." We were so excited, and so grateful, I almost gave the guy in charge a big 'ol hug. But I was soaking wet from the rain, so I refrained.
We got to the door and the lady checking us in told us that it would be about a 35 minute wait, if that was okay. When you get into Be Our Guest, you say yes to any wait time!!! I gave her my name, and Natalie gave her a phone number, and our 35 minutes began. I decided to go to the bathroom to try and do something with my hair... being in soaking wet clothes wasn't really how I wanted to spend my Be Our Guest dinner. Even being in casual clothes was bothering me... I had wanted to dress up! I'd wanted to feel fancy and sit down and enjoy my time. But, when you get in to a restaurant that has an 8 month wait-list, you deal with the other stuff.
Except that, as we were headed to the bathroom, Natalie's face suddenly lights up. "I'm going to put on my dress!" I had completely forgotten that I had bought a brand new dress that morning. I had a dress with me, in my bag, that had been protected from the rain in its plastic bag all day. I laughed out loud and we hurried to get changed. I even had a small belt to put with it form the shirt I had worn that morning to the princess breakfast!!!!! As I was combing my fingers through my hair, trying to make it somewhat presentable, Natalie hears my name being called from the waiting room! So I stuck my head out the door, and said I'd be just a second! I gathered up my things and ran out to the gentleman holding our menus. What was supposed to be a 35 minute was was a four minute wait. Our seating ticket had been printed one minute after we checked in at 8:15pm. ONE MINUTE.
He led us to our table, where the napkins were folded into roses and I had a gorgeous view of the ballroom and the snow falling outside the far window. We took a million pictures and were introduced to Joe, our server for the evening. He called us princesses and made sure we had everything we could want, he was amazing! I was also so glad to be there with Natalie! Not only because she understood my excitement but because of how excited she was too. And she laughed with me (and at me) when I was being ridiculous. And she wanted to be extravagant. And she wanted to take her time. And it was just perfect. Thank you, Natalie, for being the best dinner date I could have asked for! (even if you did make fun of my running shoes with my dress!)
I ordered the Chicken Breast Provençal (Pan-seared and simmered in a rustic blend of Heirloom Tomatoes, Olives, White Wine, and fresh Herbs with Seasonal Vegetables and Roasted Fingerling Potatoes) and Natalie had the Sautéed Shrimp and Scallops (with Seasonal Vegetables served in Puff Pastry with a Creamy Lobster Sauce). The chicken was phenomenal. It was absolutely delicious and I took my sweet time savoring every bite. As we were about finished, we started discussing which desserts we'd like to have. We'd see the menu earlier, and desserts are actually carted around for guests to see before they order. So we stole glances at other tables as they were shown the cupcakes and cream puffs. We knew we could share so that we could try some of each others, but in all honesty, I wanted to try each one. And I knew that this was probably my one shot at dinner at Be Our Guest. And I knew that I'd always wanted to say "I'll have one of everything!"
So, we did. We ordered one of each of the six dessert options by just saying "We'll have one of each, please!" Joe looked at us, asked if we were serious, and then smiled and walked away. We sat giggling, feeling very rich and spoiled and extravagant. When he brought them back and described them to us, we also asked to try the grey stuff, which he brought out later :)
We had the
- Strawberry-Cream Cheese Cupcake Vanilla Sponge Cake, Strawberry Mousse Filling, and Cream Cheese Icing
- Triple Chocolate Cupcake Chocolate Sponge Cake, Chocolate Mousse Filling, and Chocolate Ganache
- Lemon-Raspberry Cream Puff filled with Lemon Custard
They were all amazing. The best was the strawberry cupcake followed closely by the chocolate cupcake and the chocolate cream puff. All were fabulous.
Then, as the grand finale, I got to try the grey stuff. It is in fact delicious. And, Natalie even let me try it by dipping my finger into it, just like Belle. It was amazing.
And, finally, as the icing on the cake, as you leave you get to meet the Beast. I gave him a big hug and got his picture and was completely over whelmed by all the emotions.
My heart was beating so hard I thought it would beat right out of my chest was we walked back to Main Street to go catch a bus. The day was so perfect, that Wishes was happening as we left. So, not only did I get to have Wishes playing the background to end my perfect day, but I didn't have to fight through crowds to get out; because everyone was watching the show.
As we walked to the contemporary to catch our respective buses (Natalie had plans to see a movie at Downtown Disney), I saw my cast bus pull up beside us and stop at the Security gate for the resort. I knew it was another 3 or 4 minute walk and so I hugged Natalie, thanked her again, and was suddenly very grateful for the running shoes that looked so ridiculous with my dress. I ran as fast as I could, caught the bus just as he was about to pull away and waved to Natalie out the window as we drove by.
I even got home in time to Facetime my dad and brother. I had this Cinderella complex in my head... I had it figured somehow that as long as I got home before midnight Nova Scotia time, I'd be able to talk to them. And I did! I wish Mom and Becca had been there - not that I don't love talking ot the boys, but they are boys. They don't get as excited over the little details! ;)
All in all, I think it was the best day of my life. I started out by meeting Belle and ended with meeting Beast. If we hadn't bought dresses, if there had been no rain, if Space Mountain had been working properly... all of these things that seemed wrong at the time all worked out to make the best day ever! Everything was literally absolutely perfect.
Forget Magical Moments. I just had the most Magical Day Disney could ever offer.
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