June 20, 2013

Rain, rain, go away.

And definitely come again. Now that you've rained, save your mugginess-reducing powers and your rain-location-causing powers and your crowd-reducing powers for a day and time when I work!

It's odd, I never thought that I'd wish for rain while I have a job that is outside work. But in Florida, the rain is lovely and warm. And not a stupid drizzle that lasts for four days, it's a master storm that is there for a few hours. It's beautiful and almost always comes with thunder and lightning, a pair of my favorite things.

Today was a pretty boring day at work. I was at Ice Cream 2 which is the first cart folks see when they come into the park; so, for the first two hours, no one wants ice cream... they all want to know how to get to the big attractions that fill up quickly, and whose fast passes sell out in the blink of an eye! And as the sun gets hotter, I start pulling merchandise out of a freezer and bottles out of ice water. Certainly not the worst job ever!

The first two guests I talked to today have been spending this Disney trip doing all of the backstage tours - and they have loved every single one. I asked them if doing the tours had ruined any of the Disney magic, and they told me that it actually made it more special, knowing how much hard work went into making things perfect. I agreed!

The day wore on and soon I was being sent home. It was a short shift, only 6 hours, but I was so glad to get home. And I was very lucky today, because about ten minutes after I got home the heavens opened up. I was planning on going to the pool, but gave myself 15 minutes to relax in the air conditioning first, and I'm glad I did. Because there was no warning. One boom of thunder and then it started to pour.

This rain was more like the rain I'm used too at home... a lot of wind came with it! You couldn't stand in a doorway and stay dry today! The fork lightning was beautiful and bright and the thunder shook my room. It was wonderful to just sit and listen. No one else was home and I got some lovely recharge time :)

For the past week or so there has been veryyyyyy loud thumping coming from right above my room, and Emily and I just sort of laugh at how outrageous it really is. We had no idea what they could be doing, but it is loud! We even talked about going up and asking them to cut it out! This afternoon, I was alone in my apartment and it started again... shaking my whole room. I wasn't even trying to sleep, or do anything serious, and I still couldn't even think.

So, I plucked up my bravery and my best stern face. And I marched up stairs, planning to give whomever lived up there a telling off. I knocked on the door and it opens to reveal a very tall, very blonde, very blue-eyed gorgeous Norwegian boy. My stern face was no more. And I almost just said nevermind and went back down stairs... but he stuck his hand out and introduced himself. And his two equally as tall and good looking roommates. Anddddddddddd yep.

So, I very politely asked them to stop making as much noise. Turns out, they were playing football. Aka, soccer. In their bedroom. Above my room. We chatted for a bit about our programs and then they asked if there was a welcoming party going to be going on... to which I replied that probably, yes. And they asked if I'd be going... and I tried to say no, I really did. But I heard myself saying yes instead. And three gorgeous faces smiling at me made me happy that I did ;)

We joked a little more about their soccer playing, and they asked if I had roommates that I didn't like, that I'd rather they played over their room ;) And they told me that if they ever needed to talk to me again, they'd let me know by playing very thump-y soccer above my room. I said goodbye and got to my apartment and got a huge case of the giggles. I tried to immediately call my best friend, who DIDN'T PICK UP HER PHONE (this means you, Tanya. I know you were at your mom's though, so no worries.)

Once I calmed down for a bit, I played some video games and chatted with both my mom and dad for a while :) I got my flight booked for home and am now both very sad and very excited to be heading home. Even though it's still more than five weeks away, it feels more real now.

After that I watched a movie and am now trying to make plans for tomorrow! Emily still isn't home form Universal Studios, but Natalie and I are now talking about what we should do. Looks like character dining with the Princesses in the morning and then a day of park hopping :) Another early, long day!

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