June 22, 2013

Don't be an idiot.

Today was back to the grindstone. (Well, as grindstone as you can get for working for Disney!) I stayed in bed to finish my blog post from last night, then I was up and going for another day. Another hot day, and when I went to costuming to get my outfit, they didn't have any white hats left! I was clearly not going to be able to not have one... both because I work Food & Beverage, and because I would be outside all day. So, I was stuck with a secondary costume all together... one where it was designed for an indoor, air conditioned location. The shirt and hat are much heavier, hotter, and uglier materials.

I had a Safety In Motion class before I actually started work, and God bless the guy who ran it, because he took a really boring subject and managed to entertain us. His name was Terry, and he really just wanted to impress upon us that an injury now could plague us for the next 70 years. And that's a long time to have pain that could have been avoided. Essentially, don't be stupid. Think about what you're doing and whether or not it could hurt you. If it could, don't do it. Duh.

I started work at the same ice cream cart that has been giving me sunburns and dehydration all week, but this time I had a partner. I got to know Blair, a part-timer for the summer who lives about 45 minutes from Orlando. She's headed to China in less than a month for three weeks and is over the moon about it! I also found out she's a christian, and it was so wonderful to talk to someone again who believes what I believe! We didn't talk much about it, but I could tell she was enjoying it as well. It's so hard to go into a work place (any work place!) and express your faith without getting weird looks.

I didn't get dehydrated today, as I kept up with the water and juice. After Blair left, it was mostly boredom that I had to deal with. My favorite moment was watching a young family of five trying to take a selfie photo with the mom's camera phone... when a teenager asked if they'd like her to take the photo. They accepted and she took two: one was lovely, I'm sure. The other had the teenager's best friend photo bombing in the background!! It was hilarious to watch the two teens walk away, trying not to laugh.

I was able to close up really quickly and heard and saw the fireworks going as I walked back to base form the cart. A bus ride home, and here I am. Same routine of pjs, check facebook, write a blog post. I was hoping to talk to my family or Tanya tonight, but no luck. Hopefully tomorrow. Tomorrow I get an air conditioned location (YAY!!!) so that should be lovely :)

Goodnight all, I hope your weekend and first days of summer have gone well so far :)

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