Today has been a very long day. I had to be leaving the house by 5:30am to catch a bus from The Commons housing complex at 6. And it was pouring. The rain was unbelievable. So we all had ponchos and we all walked quickly down the road. In the pitch black. In the very very early morning. I almost stepped on a frog, and saw a couple unlucky flattened ones. I put my paperwork and passport in one ziplock bag and my ipod in another. I had a pocket for each and I was good to go.
We all piled onto three huge tour buses and spent 25 minutes driving to Orlando's Social Security office. You have to do this within 30 days of entering the country on a work visa... or else you can't get paid. So we all went. The appointments were short and sweet; the office had opened early to let us in before the general public - they got 250 of us through in an hour and a half. We were home by a little after 9, and we all slept on the bus ride home. It poured rain non-stop the whole time. We all got home soaked to the skin; regardless of poncho or umbrella.
When I got home, I planned to have a quick nap before work at 3, but that didn't happen. Time flies fast when you're watching silly YouTube videos that you need to catch up on! I showered, procrastinated, watched YouTube and then went off to work... again, in the pouring rain. Work provides us with rain gear, which is actually just a long plastic jacket. It seems to be pretty good at it's job though, because I arrived dry. Just as I had to remove rain gear to walk through the park to my location, the skies lightened up and the rain stopped. After pouring for at least ten hours, I guess the clouds were finally dry.
At work I had Phyllis as a trainer again, and again she was awesome. Today I learned the cooking side of the outdoor foods at Epcot; we do chicken nuggets, fried shrimp, and chicken patties for burgers.
All I could think of for a while, was that my parents received my university diploma in the mail this week. and today I was asking "do you want fries with that?" Is this what my university career gave me? (Clearly not. I work at Disney for a summer job; it's not my career.) I've never worked fast food in my entire life, and the week my diploma arrives is when I start. Sigh. Smile and ask again, fries?
Other than that, work went well. The manager there had a great sense of humor, and the day went by pretty quickly. At the end of the night... I had to clean the fryers. It was terrifying! Hot oil everywhere. And if you touch it? Well, just don't. But I made it! And we got free ice cream at the end of the night :) lots of free drinks available as long as you follow the rules, but free food is rare. It was lovely!
I didn't get to talk to my family, but hopefully tomorrow :) The air conditioning was cold, and the free hot chocolate was yummy! It was a long, but good day :)
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