Today when I woke up I felt rested for the first time in a while. It was nice to head off to work without yawning and falling asleep on the bus. One of the girls I met a few days ago, Kirstie, was working with me today, and we found each other at the bus stop and walked to ODF base together.
Our trainer, Phyllis was wonderful. We worked at the outpost - a relatively slow workplace, but with lots to keep us busy. It's right in between China and Germany in the World Showcase :). Hotdogs were really popular today and so I spent half a day wrapping up dogs and pairing them with chips for guests. I think I almost prefer filling (aka, getting a guests order) to taking it on the register. It's much more interesting to be running around filling cups and wrapping hotdogs. Maybe that's just because I have never really done it before. Phyllis made sure we were comfortable, and didn't snap at us for not knowing.
At one point, it just started to pour. It was easily the prettiest rain so far, I just wish there had been a bit of thunder. But unlike in Nova Scotia, there was no wind. It was heave heavy heavy, pouring buckets and buckets of rain. Straight down. A regular sized umbrella would have kept you dry. It was beautiful with the rain bouncing off the lagoon. We even go off work a half hour early because the rain scared away lots of the guests ;)
I caught the bus with Kirstie and said goodbye when we got off the bus. As I walked back to Patterson by myself, I realized just how pretty it is where I'm living. And I was struck, walking in the pouring rain, just how lucky I am. And I can only attribute it to the sun muddling my brain that I had not noticed it before; the trees and grass and flowers and fountains and fences and signs and walkways and buildings; all so beautiful. And I live here!! The rain, of course, made it that much more pretty. I was also struck by how much I cannot wait to show it to my family :) I am so blessed!
I arrived home soaking wet, I changed, and grabbed Emily and Sam, and we walked over to the housing event at Chatham housing. It was a Where's Perry? event, based off of Perry the Platypus from the cartoon 'Phineas and Ferb'. It's a rather amusing show, but even more amusing is how attached my dad and brother are to Perry. For those of you who don't know, P&F are step-brothers who get into all sorts of shenanigans. They are brilliant and always find something completely outrageous to do with their time. Their sister tries to get them in trouble, but of course, every episode concludes with the parents having no idea anything has happened. The boys also have a pet platypus: Perry. Whom, in his free time, actually is off saving the world in a fedora. Yeah. It's great.
But dad and Daniel will sing Perry's theme song, and quote the show, and use the arch nemesis's accent. So I just had to go to this housing event. I wanted to meet Perry!
... He wasn't there. I did meet Phineas and Ferb, but Perry wasn't there. I understand why the event was called 'Where's Perry?', because that's what I was wondering for the whole night.
After we got free pizza and met the characters, we went to the field where a big dance party was happening. We kind of just stood in an awkward circle and swayed, until the Macarena came on. Ellie and I did a dang good job at keeping up with the increasing pace, if I do say so myself. Everyone else seemed to give up! But we did good ;) It was fun :)
Suddenly a fiddle-jig-twang-country-ish song came on. And man, do I miss Nova Scotia. Sam got me spinning in a hoedown-style, arm linked, high knees thing, and I laughed until my belly hurt. After that song was over we stood around for a while longer and then made our way home. We made plans to walk to tomorrow's 6am meeting together - we're meeting at the security gate at 5:45am. Uhm, yuck? I can't even describe how revolting this is to me.
When I got home, I skyped with mom and dad, and turned on some Great Big Sea to listen to some good 'ol Atlantic Canada music :) Now I'm off to bed, due to that insane time tomorrow. Sigh. Here we go!
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