Even though last night was a late night, I was up early again this
morning. It was supposed to be a nice morning and my pass to let me into
the water parks isn't free anymore starting on Sunday! So this morning I
wanted I go to either Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach!
Natalie told me yesterday that she wanted to come with me, but when I
woke up she hadn't replied to any of my Facebook messages from last
night about what time I wanted to go or which bus to catch. I knew in my
gut that she was still asleep, so I pulled out my iPod and spammed
messaged her six or seven messages in a row... Hoping that if the sound
on her phone was on, it would act like an alarm to wake her up. It
didn't, but she woke up anyway, and just happened to check her phone
before rolling over and going back to sleep... And there were all my
messages reminding her she wanted to come :)
We were both ready in time to catch the 8:45 bus to Typhoon Lagoon! And
Natalie was so sweet to come with me, as she, Eleanor and Hudson had
spent the day there in the pointing rain yesterday! We could have gone
to BB instead, but the wave pool at TL is more fun ;)
I know I've been in Florida long enough for my body to get used to it...
But this morning was the first day where I really understood. I walked
out of the house in a t-shirt and shorts like normal, but said to
myself, "hmmm, there's a chill to the air!" I had goosebumps and I
figured after the huge rainstorm yesterday a little chill was normal.
I checked the weather. 23 degrees celsius. Feels like 33. Yeah. I think I'm getting used to it.
I met Natalie at the bus stop. We arrived just as the park opened, left
our things on a couple of chairs on the sand and went directly to the
Crush 'n Gusher... TL's big water slide. We only went on it once, but we
got there fast enough to not have to wait in any line at all :) like
splash mountain, the very first curve got us completely soaked. It wa
awesome :)
We took the lazy raft river back towards our things and the wave pool,
and got off when we felt like it. The whole morning was very relaxed and
do whatever we felt like. I wasn't really in the mood for waiting in
lined and climbing stairs, so instead of a water slide day I wanted to
enjoy the sun and the waves of the wave pool. Natalie loved that idea -
we've had very little sun and a lot of rain here lately! The waves were huge and we stayed in for a while, but we got out and got mini donuts and funnel cake and laid in the sun. I'm so glad I got to spend time with her - she's the most like me of the people I've met and we seem to be on the same page about everything. We both seem to be getting a lot of hours at work... which is great, but our days off are not the same as each other yet :( But we'll find time to see each other I hope :)
When we had about a half hour before we had to leave for the bus, it started to sprinkle rain and so we hurried to catch the slightly earlier one. Of course, by the time we'd gotten to the bus stop, the rain had stopped. But it all worked out for the best, because when I got home I was able to have a quick 15 minute power nap and Skype with Mom before I went to work.
I got to work exhausted. Late nights, early mornings and funnel cakes for breakfast will do that to you. I met Karen, my trainer for the day and reunited with Deanna, one of the girls I met at the e-training day. We started at 4pm and were working at the Promenade today, which is the smaller of the two ODF places by the Canada Pavilion. I love working them because they are so close to Canada (and because they are both air conditioned!)
When we got there though, the ceiling was leaking from what we guessed was the rain the day before. But I'm not talking a few drips here and there. I mean raining from our ceiling. As in, the main center drip area was giving us two to four liters of water an hour. and there were two other place it was dripping. Apparently it had started the day before, and maintenance was supposed to fix it over night. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that they didn't. So, we worked around it (or tried to at least). The biggest problem was not knocking over the catch buckets and maneuvering so that no drip accidentally got into someone's ice cream (that would be so gross). It really wasn't either safe or sanitary to work in. In fact, it wasn't even a ceiling like you would normally picture. It was two giant doors that latched in the middle of this tiny food hut... and all I could think of was that we'd have our very own Splash Mountain if someone opened that latch. Not to mention that both Karen and I are tall enough that we'd get smoked by the doors as they came down. Danger.
And because of that, when maintenance finally showed up around 7:30pm, they shut us down completely. We did a super fast clean up; what normally takes two people an hour and a half, took 7 people ten minutes (it is not a very big shack for 7 people. I'm shocked no one got smacked with anything). By 7:45 we were watching anxiously form outside as the maintenance guys undid the latch. It was very anticlimactic; hardly any water was up there. It was the air conditioner leaking right onto the crack between the doors, so there wasn't any water accumulation. We left to go bank out back at base, since we wouldn't be able to open again tonight. But, instead of going home early, the manager sent us back to help out the other ODF place (called Refreshment Port, or just 'Port') with their clean up.
Since we were walking back at about 9, Karen let us stop and watch Illuminations :) It was the first time I've seen it this trip and I can't wait to go back with my camera and watch it from Canada :) They were beautiful :) I told her she was officially my favorite ;)
We went over some closing info and then helped out Port with their closing. They were taking forever, so at 11 we were told we could finally go home. Poor Karen had been there for over 12 hours.
I saw my first starry sky in Orlando tonight. The walk from the bus stop is very peaceful and I could forget for a moment how far away I am from home. It was very beautiful and I should pay attention to the night skies more often. I made my wish on the first star I saw (like always) and felt much calmer than I had all day :)
I walked through the door to my apartment at midnight, and I got to chat with Tanya for a bit :) but now, I am pooped and totally ready for sleep.
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.
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