July 17, 2013

International Adventures.

Today was a long day at work... again. I need a new way to say 'long day at work', since I seem to have a lot of them.

The day stretched on at my place of employment (...?)

Anyways. Today I was at the turkey leg cart! I sell giant hunks of meat for outrageous prices and I'm nearly always sold out because they're so popular. Nothing like chowing down on a hunk of meat like it's going out of style. Yum?

It was raining for a lot of the day, so I spent a good part of the day on rain location with the vendor from the ice cream cart right across from me. Before my break I got to know Katia for about 15 minutes. And I found out that in Haiti, there are different styles of Creole for different areas, and much like it's very easy to pick the Newfoundlander out of a crowd, the other Haitians at work make good-natured fun of the way Katia talks when they speak in Creole. In return, I explained to her how the different French areas in Canada worked.

After my break, I spent an hour with Tri (p. tree). Originally from Vietnam, he moved to the US in 1992 and had been working for Walt Disney World for 15 years. 15 years. That's a long time. He has a sibling, three boys and a wife who are here with him, and 4 other siblings still in Vietnam. He has two very young granddaughters who he is very proud hat he spoils to bits :). English is his third language - Vietnamese and French are the primary languages from his country.

It was wonderful to get to know even more people from all around the world; an international adventure should involve not hanging out with only Canadians, I think! ;) I now know (as in, have had an actual conversation, consisting of more than 'where are you from', with) people from Canada, USA, Mexico, China, Japan, Vietnam, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Norway, England, Germany, Colombia, Peru and Australia... and I don't think I remembered them all.

After the rain I went back to my cart and the afternoon went by fairly quickly. My favorite guest was a teenage boy on a dare, who asked me if he'd get a free turkey leg if he gobbled like a turkey. He then proceeded to make the gobble sound. I gave him an A for effort, but informed him that it was not good enough for a free turkey leg. His friends all laughed and cheered and I told him that he should practice more.

I got back to base, and banked out (dancing and singing to TSwift with Jackie!) and clocked out (on time tonight for once!) and was informed by the Nerd Group Leader that I should download a game from the App Store so I could play with them. I have been officially welcomed into the Epcot ODF Nerd population! ... right before I leave for home. Sigh. It's still feeling good to talk comics and video games again :)

I was given a drive home by a coworker who lives in Chatham - again, so so so nice to not have to take the bus! I spent my evening eating ice cream and watching more Doctor Who and catching up with Facebook and Twitter. Just like home, I guess!

I work with the bees at Land all day tomorrow... the girl there today got stung :( I appreciate your prayers again (I didn't see a single snake today!) for keeping the bees and their stingers to a minimum! Goodnight!

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