Today I was back to work; and even though I was dreading it all morning and the day dragged on, by the end of it I was happy to be there again.
First thing I did today was go to a class - why they're teaching me things when I leave in two weeks is beyond me, but hey! I got paid for my time sitting in air conditioning. So what the heck, right? It was a class on Making Magic - the little things that we do to make things memorable when you visit our home. It was pretty neat, all in all. And I'll give props to Ron; he did his best to make sure the three hours flew by.
After that, I went to work. For a long, long 9 hour shift at the Land pavilion, which normally I love, but today I was sharing with several bees. Not so much fun. I don't think I'm allergic, but I still seem to have an irrational fear of being stung... especially since Florida bees do not look as fluffy and friendly as Nova Scotia bees... no, instead they resemble monster NS wasps. I was kindly informed by pest control that unless I tried to hurt them, they would leave me alone. So I spent most of my time letting them have all the space they wanted, and super cleaning and super sanitizing all of the fountain pop spills and sugary slushie droplets. My guests were very kind when I told them I'd be a minute getting their drinks and instead went outside to stand with them as the bee and four of his friends got angry that their sugar supply had dwindled.
But I got along with them well enough to not get stung, so I hope we'll remain on good terms when I have to work there again on Thursday. Or perhaps they'll have moved on to a better location (I wish). I was grateful for the bees, however, when on my radio I overheard a snake call-in from the other side of the park. A guest caught a glimpse of a poisonous snake and told the closest cast member; who just so happened to be an ODVer. My manager said he would call pest control immediately, and I didn't hear of anyone being hurt so I'm assuming it was taken care of properly. The bees and I enjoyed our far side of the park after that.
The day wore on and the rain that hit was insane. I couldn't see more than 20 feet out, it was pouring so hard. And thunder like I've never heard. And beautiful fork lightning, even if it was a little close for comfort. But it was beautiful. All you rain lovers back home, I wish you could have seen the Florida rain today. Man oh man.
Other than that, the day was normal (ish). I was back at base ready to bank out when Evan (one of my favorite managers) informed me that my name had come up several times for a stocker position! :) Several of the stockers are leaving in the next few weeks and several people thought that I would be a good fit. Evan mentioned that this was a great testament to how hard I work; a stocker position is a position where you have to be a hard worker and slacking off just doesn't cut it. I almost laughed at that, because sometimes I feel like I don't do half of what I could be doing, but instead what only gets the job done. But I guess, if most of my coworkers don't even get the job done (sigh) then I would look like a hard worker in comparison ;)
However, I had to inform Evan that even though I appreciated the offer, I myself was leaving in a matter of weeks. In fact, I would be leaving sooner than the guys I would be replacing! He looked at me for a second with a look of shock on his face. I then told him I couldn't even extend, because I'm Canadian. I think he was a little concerned that now he had to come up with another person to replace the position. Sorry, Evan! I really would if I could! Sigh. Nothing like a promotion you have to turn down.
It seems so silly - I've only just learned what to do. I've only just learned how to work here efficiently. I've only just made friends. I've only just gotten into the rhythm of things. And now, I have to leave. I don't want to go (such a different tone from yesterday, hmm? Amazing what I good night's sleep will do). I wish I could bring these fantastic people back home with me. The nerds and the nice managers and the Taylor Swift singers. But I guess this is what Disney does, right? Hires good people. Sigh. I will miss them.
Tomorrow will be a long day, but I'm praying it will fly by. I will also be on the snake's side of the park, so some prayer that it was taken care of properly tonight and that he didn't have any friends would be appreciated. Thanks guys! Night :)
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